Thursday, August 5, 2021



                                                          HURYYYY UPPPPPPP………!

How many bottles should I order?

Research shows it’s best to take Resurge consistently for at least 90–180 days to experience optimal results and to ensure you reach your desired weight and that you stay there. Therefore, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our 3 bottle or 6 bottle discount packages. We’re only able to guarantee this special pricing for today or until our limited inventory runs out, and we’re selling out of our current stock faster than anyone could have ever anticipated. The fact is we guarantee you’ll never be able to buy Resurge cheaper than today which is another important reason why picking up at least 90 -180 days worth is definitely the smart option.

Is Resurge safe?

Resurge is absolutely 100% natural, safe and effective. Many thousands of folks enjoy taking Resurge every day and there have been absolutely zero side effects reported. Every capsule of Resurge is manufactured here in the USA in our state-of-the-art FDA-approved and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility under the most sterile, strict, and precise standards. Resurge is 100% all natural, vegetarian and non-GMO. As always, if you have a medical condition it’s recommended to consult with your doctor.

Will Resurge work for me?

In a word..YES! Resurge is the first and only anti-aging nutritional support formula designed to help naturally improve deep sleep and reverse metabolic slowdown and premature aging in both women and men. Resurge contains the 8 science-proven nutrients in the exact amounts shown to enhance deep-sleep and metabolic regeneration.

What is the best way to take Resurge?

Simply take Resurge with a glass of water 1 hour before bed.

How will Resurge be shipped to me and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using a premium carrier such as FedEx or UPS, and if you’re in the US or Canada you can expect your order shipped within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8–15 business days (plus customs clearance time). *Covid-19 pandemic may affect postal delivery times

Will I be billed anything else after I order?

Absolutely not! Rest assured this is a one-time payment only. This is not an auto-ship program of any kind. There are no hidden charges or subscription fees whatsoever. I’ve always hated that stuff as much as you do!

What if Resurge doesn’t work for me?

I’m so confident that you’ll experience more profound, life-changing results than literally anything you’ve ever purchased before — I’m not just promising the results — I’m going to guarantee them. Resurge is backed by a 60 day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee to make getting started an absolute no-brainer for you. If Resurge doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just email us at anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll refund you the purchase price right away. My team and I are extremely easy to get a hold of. There’s simply no risk to you. It’s time to get started!

Monday, August 2, 2021

"Bringing Dead Batteries Back To Life Is Simple!"

 To get started, click the Add to cart button you see below right now.

This button will take you to a secure checkout page that Frank and I created where you can enter your basic information.

Hurrrrryyyyyy Uuuuuuupppppppp…….!!!!!!

Then on the next page you’ll gain INSTANT access to the entire EZ Battery Reconditioning program and the step-by-step battery restoration guides.

It’s completely yours, and you can be using it all in as little as 2 minutes from right now.

Plus, remember that you’re also getting our full 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee.

So why wouldn’t you try this out? You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Just think about it…

Within 20 seconds you can gain instant access to the entire EZ Battery Reconditioning program.

And within the next hour, you can already recondition 1 or 2 old batteries you have lying around.

This will make up for your tiny investment into the EZ Battery Reconditioning course already. And then you can continue using the EZ Battery Reconditioning course over and over again, every time one of your batteries gets old or you need a new battery.

You can save hundreds of dollars this year alone on battery costs …and even more over your lifetime.

The choice is yours though, but I think you know exactly what to do.

Click the “Add To Cart” button below and I’ll see you on the other side.

Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence"


To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams…

Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I’m a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years I’ve been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog.

Every dog without exception — has a hidden intelligence inside.

It’s an untapped resource to help you remove just about any troublesome behavior.

Keep reading to find out more…

I’m going to reveal how you can QUICKLY eliminate any behavioral problem… no matter how badly you think it’s ingrained… no matter what kind of dog you have.

If that excites you, I know you’ll find this letter EXTREMELY valuable…

“Because I’m going to show you a dog training system that took me 10 years to perfect — (and tens of thousands of dollars to learn) — a PROVEN “Battlefield-Tested” system for creating an incredibly well-behaved, intelligent dog who follows your every command!”

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique…

Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation — many problem behaviors simply melt away. I’ll explain why below.

Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog’s problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking — which is short term in its effectiveness at best — again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem.

Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.

Many other online dog training programs are created by PHONEYS with no certifications… This is dangerous, since using the wrong techniques will lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any “trainer” who does not list his/her professional certifications.

Who Needs This Secret to using your dog’s natural intelligence to stop bad behavior?

Does any of the following sound familiar…

  • Your dog doesn’t listen to you
  • You need to train a new Puppy
  • Your dog barks uncontrollably
  • Your Dog is pulling on the leash
  • Your Dog is aggressive
  • Your Dog is chewing things he shouldn’t
  • Your Dog is digging all the time
  • Your Dog is Jumping up
  • You’re frustrated with your dog
  • You may even regret getting your Dog
  • You’re worried you might have to give up your Dog because of behavior problems you can’t handle
  • You feel helpless to control your dog
  • You tell your Dog ‘no’ with no success
  • Your Dog gets over excited and is hard to settle down
  • Your Dog is whining constantly
  • Your dog has a fear of certain sounds or stimuli or suffers from anxiety
  • You want a dog who obeys you
  • You want a better bond with your dog
  • You want less stress
  • So just click here…..!!!!!!!!

His Secret Obsession

 Hi, My name is James…

And just 90 seconds from now I’m going to let you in on something every man is secretly obsessed with.

It’s Something He CRAVES…

More than love, more than money, even more than sex.

And the craziest part is this one secret obsession holds the key to winning a man’s love, attention, and total devotion for LIFE but not one woman in a thousand even knows it exists!

And those that do almost never share it with another soul.

After 12 years of working with thousands of amazing women as a relationship coach, I’ve witnessed the secret male obsession to be the key to a man’s heart.

Because once you understand it, you’ll be able to make the man of your choice feel a burning desire for you that’s so powerful that you’ll literally become the most important person in his life.

The person he thinks about all day long.

There’s something every man is secretly obsessed with, more than love, money, even more than sex!

And you’ll also hear the real-life stories of women who used this same secret obsession to create the deepest love of their lives, all from seemingly “hopeless” situations and how you too can create the love you deserve.

Because no matter how bad your situation seems right now…

  • Even if you’re worried your man is losing interest after getting intimate with him too soon…
  • Even if you’ve given up hope that your man will ever commit to you…
  • And even if he’s been completely ignoring your calls and texts

…it doesn’t matter.

Because the moment you flip this secret trigger in a man’s heart (a trigger so secret that 99% of women and men don’t even know it exists) he’ll feel a surge of desire for you that goes far beyond physical attraction… and makes him see you in a whole new light.

Without even realizing it, he’ll start to picture you in his life and every other woman, past and present, will fade from his mind.

Because when you tap into a man’s most primal, inner desire, you literally become his OBSESSION.

And even though he’s starting to feel the deepest love connection of his life, he won’t know why…

Because this secret flies completely under his radar.

So by now you’re probably wondering what this Secret Obsession is, right?

This secret obsession is the key to winning a man’s love, attention, and total devotion for life.

Well, to put it simply, it’s a recently discovered primal drive that ALL MEN are powerfully influenced by without even knowing it.

Every man you know agonizes over this primal drive more than anything else… Even his sex drive.

In fact, this drive is so hard-wired into a man’s mind that is subconsciously controls everything he does.

From the time he wakes up to the moment his head hits the pillow at night.

It’s something I’ve come to call…

“The Hero Instinct”.

And I now believe it’s the biggest secret to becoming a man’s deepest passion and priority in life.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how “in love” or “infatuated” a man is. If the woman he’s with doesn’t bring out his Hero Instinct, he’ll always feel like something important is missing and he’ll eventually seek out a woman who knows this secret.

On the other hand, when you know how to trigger a man’s Hero Instinct, his heart will be yours, and yours alone. And he’ll go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy.

How can this be possible?

It’s because the Hero Instinct is a BIOLOGICAL DRIVE just like hunger, thirst, and sex. But once this drive is triggered it becomes more powerful than all 3 combined. which makes it virtually impossible for him to ignore.

And in a few minutes you’ll see how you can use a “Secret Signal” I discovered to flip on a man’s Hero Instinct without him even noticing.

And I should warn you… When you use this secret signal on a man for the first time, get ready… Because he’ll suddenly find everything about you to be more alluring and enticing than any other woman on his radar.

But first, the best way for you to understand how you can use The Hero Instinct is to see how it worked for a real woman.

I’d like you to meet my friend Rachel.

She’s one of my favorite clients.

If you met her, I bet you’d be fast friends from the start, because that’s how she is with everyone.

But for some strange reason, she always has the worst luck in her search for love.

One night, I got a call just as I was closing up the office to head home. It was Rachel. I recognized it right away… the catch in her throat… the hurt in her voice.

I rushed to meet her at the Starbucks around the corner from my office.

From the running eyeliner and the red, puffy eyes, it was obvious it was really bad this time.

She told me about Mike. Three months ago she was smitten and in love.

They’d met at her best friend’s wedding and instantly hit it off. He did everything right. He surprised her with lunch at work. He called her literally every night. And he planned out fun and romantic dates.

And Rachel felt like she’d finally found the love she had wanted so badly for so long.

That was until three months later… When something happened that every woman dreads…

Rachel first noticed the signs in Mike’s voice.

He was suddenly so quiet and distant and Rachel didn’t know why, or what she had done wrong.

Before, they were almost inseparable. You could practically feel the sparks fly between them.

But now… the surprise “drop-ins” had disappeared. He no longer called at the end of the night.

Anytime she texted him he would respond hours later with short, one-word replies.

He was suddenly so quiet and would respond a text message in hours, with short replies.

Rachel kept calm and played it cool.

But after two days of gut-wrenching silence, Rachel had reached a boiling point.

And even though she never meant to come off as “needy”, she left 8 missed calls on Mike’s cell phone that night and countless texts which she could see he’d read, but chosen to ignore.

She went to sleep crying that night.

It wasn’t until the following afternoon that Mike finally responded.

She almost let it go to voicemail, but changed her mind and picked it up at the last second.

Rachel wanted to scream, but before she had a chance, Mike apologized and told her he had a lot on his plate at work.

He assured her everything was fine and suggested dinner the following night at their favorite restaurant. Then he promised he would call her the next day to nail down a time.

Rachel had no idea Mike was only telling her what she wanted to hear.

As Rachel hung up the phone, she felt like she could finally breathe again and that night she slept like a baby for the first time in days.

The next day she even came home early from work to fix her hair and put on Mike’s favorite dress. Then she waited for his call…

Of course, Mike’s call never came.

And no matter how many times she texted him, he never responded.

Mike had broken off the relationship.

He disappeared from her life without a reason or a goodbye.

And the worst part was, she felt too embarrassed to even call her friends for support.

She didn’t understand how something so perfect could shatter so quickly.

I hadn’t touched my coffee. I rubbed my eyes, cleared my throat, and asked if I could see her cell phone. I wanted to see how bad things actually were.

Mike had broken off the relationship, and dissappeared without a reason or goodbye.

My heart sank as I scrolled through pages of unanswered texts.

But then, something caught my attention.

It was the last text Mike had sent to Rachel before he pulled away.

There was one phrase in it that jumped out at me. It was almost like a hidden plea for help.

And that’s when it hit me.

On a hunch, we ran back to my office and dug through my notes from previous clients. Sure enough, buried in one of those notes was that same core phrase from Mike’s text message.

As I sifted through more of these notes, variations of the same phrase popped up again and again.

I realized I had stumbled upon a pattern. And it struck me that this pattern was connected to a deep-seated obsession in every man’s mind.

That’s when everything clicked…………!!!!!!!!



He Brought His Bimbo Wh*re To MY HOUSE For Christmas…

And I Knew I’d End Up In Jail or the Grave…
Unless I Did Something Drastic To Change My Life

Hi, my name is Angela Carter.

What I’m about to share with you is hands down the most humiliating moment of my life.

It was the first Christmas after my divorce.

And I can still feel the heat of my face blazing firetruck red.

How I felt frozen in my shame.

I had spent my entire life manifesting the perfect life for everyone else…

But completely ignored myself in the process.

I never felt like I had the time or energy — for ME.

Even though I’d actively participated in every moment of the creation of my life…

I just didn’t see myself in it anymore.

After my divorce, I spend months and months trying in vain to manifest an “abundant” life.

I bought courses, followed gurus, and read countless books.

I tried The Law of Attraction, The Secret, and guided meditation.

I always ended up right where I started: “Nowheres-Ville.”

I realized that if I was going to actually live the life of my dreams…

It was up to me to manifest it.

No one else was going to create it for me, and no one was coming to save me.

As you’ll see, on a whim, I took a journey halfway around the world…

Desperately trying to end the humiliating pain of manifesting nothing but scarcity in my relationships, in my identity, and in my finances.

I’m so glad I pulled the trigger on my worldwide journey of discovery…

Because I discovered that what was blocking a life of abundance wasn’t some kind of external force like I thought

What was blocking me


Literally stored IN my body.

But, as I’ll share on this page, I discovered a strange but powerful “switch” that cleared away what was blocking my abundance…

And turned my life around so fast it made my head spin.

The journey was painful at the start… but once I discovered this switch, it rocked my world.

I’ve never experienced such a deep connection with my “source”.

And I never even knew I could feel so connected to financial abundance.

What I’ve since discovered is this simple switch…

And the unlimited abundance it triggers…

Is available to anyone.

This energy is what empowers us to live our best lives.

But when this energy gets blocked because of traumatic events, painful experiences, disappointments, and setbacks…

We can’t manifest the life we truly want.

It’s a phenomenon called “Blocked BioEnergy.”

It’s like a stream of interconnecting pools.

When leaves, branches, and sticks clutter the stream connecting the pools, the flow is choked off…

And everything we want, need, and deserve… can’t flow to us.

It made all the sense in the world why I had manifested everything I didn’t want and nothing I did.

I felt a huge weight of responsibility lift off my shoulders!

In that moment I felt freer than I had in years.

But then it hit me…

Just because I knew what was blocking me from manifesting the life of my dreams…

Didn’t mean I knew how to UNBLOCK it!

Here’s what she had to say:

“My life is packed with stress, anxiety and lots of pressure. The BioEnergy Code helped me connect with my family, even though there’s been conflict. Because I cleared these blockages, I was able to move beyond my doubts, fears, and pain.”

~ Phyllis Rhodes, Lomax, TX (verified customer)

Or then I think about Thomas from Washington who said:

“I lost my job due to the recent virus outbreak. I felt terrible every day knowing that my family is depending on my income. Every night when I was in bed, I always felt like prey waiting for predators to hunt on. I tried looking for jobs or even just gigs to make some money but nothing seemed to work. I came across this program through my friend’s recommendation and I decided to listen to the guided meditation. I started out the meditation feeling restless and antsy. But somehow something switched on within me and before I knew it, the meditation was over.The next day, I got a call from a local company that they have a job offer for me! I am extremely grateful that I’ve actually manifested a job into my reality. The guided meditation also made me realize that there are many things I often took for granted. I will continuously use this program to help me manifest more things for me and my family especially during this crisis period. Thank you!”

~ Thomas Scott, Spokane, WA (verified customer)

Then there’s Kimberly from West Virginia who wrote:

“If you want to manifest miracles, and feel good instantly, this meditation is for you! I could feel an instant raise in my vibration and a boost in mood when I finished this meditation. And it doesn’t end here. This meditation has a power to manifest your desires into reality. I was able to spark a communication with a long-gone client and was even able to book further work with them! This meditation focuses perfectly on each chakra along with an intro that drives me deeper into a meditative state where the chakra cleansing happens effectively. All in all, this program is worth it!”

~Kimberly Thompson, Clarksburg, WV (verified customer)

Anthony and I have received so many messages telling us that this program is responsible for helping them manifest multiple thousands of dollars.

Because of that, some have insisted it’s easily worth $3,000… if not more.

But when you choose to invest in yourself today, your investment won’t be anywhere close to that.

And, it won’t even be $500… which, when you think of the abundance you stand to gain… is a drop in the bucket.

Since my mission is to reach as many people like me… who understand just how frustrating and crippling scarcity truly is…

I’ve priced this as low as possible… to remove every possible barrier.

Today, when you choose to invest in yourself… your investment is only $37.

That’s enough to weed out the “freebie seekers” who won’t actually take action…

And it’s just enough to cover our expenses.

Ultimately… those who see the value… and potential…

Have told me this is the biggest no brainer — maybe ever.

If you’d like to experience the BioEnergy switch for yourself…

And clear out the energy blockages that are keeping you chained to scarcity…

Simply by hitting “play” on your smartphone…


TODAY$37Regular Price$197


Click here to get instant access

When you do…

You’ll be forwarded to a page where you’ll enter your information so you can get instant access to our exclusive members area.

Plus you’ll be able to confirm everything you’re getting with your order today.

Just so you know, we’ve partnered with the online platform called “Clickbank” to process our transactions.

That’s because they offer “best in class” world-class, military-grade encryption and security.

And like I mentioned, Anthony and I will donate a portion of your purchase to

So, you’re not just saying “yes” to yourself, you’re also doing something tangible to help preserve the lives of these magnificent creatures.

Now… since time is of the essence…

I want you to have the simple yet powerful switch to activate your body’s internal BioEnergy Code.

And I’m going to include 4 amazing bonuses when you complete your order today.

You’re going to love them.


BioEnergy Code Manual ($47 VALUE)

The First Bonus is called the “BioEnergy Code Manual” and it retails for $47.

This 154-page eBook is a deep dive into the science and traditions of the 7 Chakras.

Not only will you discover the history of the Chakras, you’ll also discover how the BioEnergy within each Chakra gets blocked.

As you gain clarity on the Chakras, it’ll only make clearing them with The BioEnergy Code that much faster and easier.


5-Minute BioEnergy Healing ($147 VALUE)

The Second Bonus is called “5-Minute BioEnergy Healing”, valued at $147 retail.

Look, most people I know are busy.

Between work schedules, family obligations, community and worship involvement…

Who has time anymore?

And… Life isn’t getting slower. It’s getting faster.

And sometimes you just don’t have time for a 30-minute meditation.

That’s where the The 5-Minute BioEnergy Healing track comes in.

It’s designed for when life turns your day upside down and you know you need SOMETHING…

And you simply don’t have time for a full-length BioEnergy Code session.


BioEnergy Code Decoded ($97 VALUE)

The Third Fast-Acting Bonus is called the “BioEnergy Code Decoded,” and it retails for $97.

This bonus is for all the “visual” people out there.

Because when you have a “bird’s eye view” of something, the better you understand it.

Think of it like a BioEnergy “roadmap.”

It’s a “cheat sheet” for each and every BioEnergy zone… explained and aligned with the ancient chakras.

Simply print out the PDFs and you can have an easy visual reference for how it all works together.

Internalize, visualize, and materialize the life of your dreams.


The Heart Energy Activator ($147 VALUE)

The Fourth Bonus that’s included when you order today is called “The Heart Energy Activator” with a retail value of $147.

Honestly, this is the most important and valuable bonus of them all.

That’s because it targets the #1 most commonly blocked energy field: the HEART.

Why does the heart field get so easily blocked?


Since fear resides in the heart, it is the #1 blocker.

So the fastest path to healing all the energy centers is to clear away the fear residing in the heart.

This guided meditation utilizes the same proprietary frequencies (The “God” frequency and the 432 Hz frequency)…

Along with a deep and powerful guided meditation designed to clear away fear.

These powerful bonuses valued at $438 are included with your order, but only when you complete your order today.

TODAY$37Regular Price$197


Click here to get instant access

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Introduction • Briefly introduce the importance of staying hydrated and the rising trend of using stylish water bottles. • Hook: Highlig...