Thursday, July 30, 2020

TikTok Ban and Hong Kong Situation..........!!!!!

Hi, friends! TikTok has  finally been banned in the entire country Not only TikTok but 59 Chinese apps in total have been banned by the government And this is a wonderful decision of the government in my opinion It is an easy decision and a very small step, albeit an extremely important one Because today, if we want to tackle China and take a stand against them so this would be one of the first steps to do so Infact, in my opinion, this has been done by India today, but I would like to say that according to me, every democratic country in the world should take this step USA, Europe, Australia, Canada all the democracies should together follow what India did today Because we're all aware of the danger these Chinese apps pose to privacy Everyone knows that they steal data but an even more important reason is that the Chinese Communist Party considers itself the master of the world IT considers itself a dictator, which is a danger to all the democratic countries of the world They feel that they can do whatever they wish to They send their Chinese software into other countries and steal data from there but do not allow any other social media network within its own country TokTok should remain banned all across the world until social media networks like Youtube, Google and Facebook are allowed to freely operate within China And do you know why they are not allowed to freely operate? Because they know that the day free social media comes to their country, and the people would have access to free speech and free media.

The day this happens would mark day one of its Party's road to perdition They know that if this happens, their government would collapse very soon One of the most important reasons for the dictatorship they have been able to establish over the people is the total social media and total media control To break free from this and liberate the Chinese people, this is one of the first steps that need to be taken This is why, in my opinion, it is an extremely important decision to ban TikTok because if all the countries around the world would start to do this, then it would mount pressure on China to allow the rest of the social media networks within its own country If only this happens, are their chances of the start of a democratic movement This is why I hope that the ban by the government is permanent this time and not that it is later unbanned by the government, which takes a U-turn It is difficult to have trust. Especially, the response of TikTok after this ban alludes to the fact that this decision might be temporary and that the government would again unban it Their response reads, "We have been invited to meet with concerned government stakeholders for an opportunity to respond and submit clarifications So, we can only hope that this ban is permanent and that the government would not be swayed by them because... Let me show you an interesting thing They have written in the comments as a reply that TikTok continues to comply with all data privacy and security requirements under the Indian law and has not shared any information of our users in India with any foreign government, including the Chinese government.

 They claim to never have given any data to the Chinese government Further, if we are requested to in the future, we would not do so They mean to say that, if the Chinese government requests TikTok India for a user's data in future, then they would refuse the Chinese government This does not convince me and I do not buy this as the truth And there is a reason behind this The reason is Article 14 and Article 16 of the Chinese Intelligence Law, 2017 According to this law, no matter what the Chinese companies say they would have to dance to the tunes of the Chinese government they would have to dance to the tunes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because, let me read out what this law states Article 14 of this law states that national intelligence institutions may request relevant organs, organizations and citizens (to) provide necessary support , assistance and cooperation That is, if the Chinese intelligence agencies request for anything from any company, then they would have to comply with that request Article 16 says that intelligence officials may enter relevant restricted areas and venues may learn from and question relevant institutions, organizations and individuals and may read or collect relevant files, materials or items That is, they can take any data from any company that they wish and this is stated by the Chinese law So, no matter what the Chinese companies say, as long as this is written in the Chinese law.

the Chinese government can request data from them openly and they are bound to comply If they do not do this, a case would be registered against their company And it is because of intelligence this law, that Australia did not allow the 5G technology of Huawei to operate within its country USA also banned Huawei and in fact, the envoy of Donald Trump in the European Union says that China has made such laws that say, a Chinese private company is running a car and if that car is connected with the 5G network, and the any Chinese government makes a request that they have to kill the person sitting in that particular car, then legally, that company would have to comply with that request Such examples were used in the USA to show how dangerous it is to allow Chinese private companies in the rest of the countries I would also like to give you a brief update on what is happening Hong Kong because this is quite related The Chinese government passed a new security law there, day before yesterday which completely represses all the freedom of speech and democracy within Hong Kong This law states that any act of secession, subversion of the central government terrorism and collusion with foreign or external forces, may invite full life imprisonment Put simply,.

Everything that the Chinese Communist Party considers to be a threat to the "national security", can either be punished by a summon to the mainland China or by lifelong imprisonment What's interesting is that the definition of the "threat to national security" is upon their Communist Party to decide They would themselves decide who is anti-national and who is a nationalist and can send someone to jail based on that In fact, even if someone is protesting non violently to demand democracy in Hong Kong, they could even sentence that person to life imprisonment by declaring him anti-national Sounds familiar, doesn't it? This entire game of "nationalists" and "anti-nationals" is all a farce by the political parties to suppress free speech and democracy Whosoever is not agreeable to them is put in the category of an "Anti-national" This happens in India too. And the Communist party is acting similarly Whoever speaks up in opposition and raises their voice against their corruption and other activities would be declared anti-national and jailed Another interesting thing about the new Chinese security law is that not only is it valid for the Chinese people and the Hong Kong people, it is also valid for foreign citizens That is if you accuse the Chinese government sitting outside of China, in India, then they would brand you as anti-national and can put you in jail the next time you visit China I had made plans and I was very eager to go to Hong Kong but I do not think this is possible 

anymore If you have ever criticized China in any capacity, then it is no use going to China or Hong Kong because this law is extremely dangerous and applicable to all "...In many ways, almost every aspect of Hong Kong's lives will change from now on. Even its nonviolent acts can be considered to breach national security.." Another interesting aspect of this law is that there used to be an independent judiciary in Hong Kong Say that the Chinese government declares that someone is against the Communist party and declares them anti-national but then, this would be taken to court but they have bypassed even that. The new law states that the judges that would decide whether this law is applicable in a particular case or not would be elected by the people who belong to the Communist Party That is, they have done away with the independence of the judiciary as well So, there is no hope in the citizens of Hong Kong of being saved by the courts if they get arrested by the law That is also not going to happen After it was passed, the new law- NATO, USA, European Union- all have condemned it In fact, United Kingdom had earlier stated that if China passes this law, then they would provide all the Hong Kong citizens with the opportunity to get UK citizenship and that it would invite them to their country.

The neighboring country Taiwan has also opened its doors All the people who want to come to Taiwan from Hong Kong for pro-democracy protests are free to do so In fact, the government of Taiwan has also promised to provide assistance in different ways for these pro-democracy protests "... the most tragic thing is for the youth. I am 72. I don't have much time left. you know, to face a place without the rule of law But those young people, they have to face a future without the protection of rule of law." Several protesters still hold their ground despite the passing of this law. And on the 1st of July, they took out a protest march, even after the passing of this law The police even arrested several people, having declared them anti-national but the protests still continue I feel that it is extremely necessary that India shows solidarity with the people of Hong Kong as well and the Indian government should think of different ways to help the people of Hong Kong and to mount pressure on China The banning of TikTok should not be the final step Some of the people in our media have been saying that this is a "digital surgical strike" and that it ends the issue That is not how it should be because as we can see.

China is not going to stop China is continuously making border intrusions: Let me give you an update on that too Along with that, the situation in Hong Kong is also persisting So, many more steps would need to be taken and this should be considered as one of the first steps Speaking of border intrusions, China has started a new border dispute with Bhutan There used to be an area in Bhutan which China is now claiming as theirs So, a new controversy has been started by China. And if we are to talk about India, then what was told to us by Ajay Shukla Ji in this video as to how much Indian land has been occupied by China the satellite images and the other proofs that are surfacing validate the claims made in this video A huge portion of land that was earlier claimed by India is now under China The satellite images show that permanent structures have come up in the region between finger 4 and finger 8 In fact, China has drawn its map over there which is visible in the satellite images and something is written therein Chinese which basically goes on to show that it is their declaration that they occupy that region now I feel that first of all, the Indian government should openly accept before the public that India has lost some of its areas to the Chinese so that the people are at least aware of the truth And then, together.

we can think about what other actions could be taken against China And  India will have to work together with other democratic countries In order to counter China and teach a lesson to China Here, I'd like to ask your opinion on what other ways could China be countered without going to war on a military scale in order to save Hong Kong and liberate the Chinese citizens Write down your opinions in the comments below If you liked this video, then share it I'd like to give a small message to the TikTokers for the talented content creators who were creating quality content on TikTok by slogging for so many years And then, a day arrives when one decision bans the entire app and now you'd feel that all your labour has been laid to waste I can imagine how you must be feeling I can imagine how bad I would feel if something similar happened with YouTube But there is one thing you should remember Your talent and the content that you create with it is not restricted by any platform You talent lies within you TikTok has been banned today. But you can switch to YouTube and Instagram to show your talent you will receive the same amount of love from the audience that you used to get there In fact if I were to give you a tip, all the best TikTok videos that you've made over the past few years You must have saved them somewhere.

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