Monday, August 3, 2020


some of you are interested in this work

and you like telling people you do it

it makes you feel good but you're not

you're not 120 though

some of you are committed but just like

your side hustle

i'm just being real y'all i was fully

committed i left

everything and started doing it and

because i was fully committed

the world responded to that commitment

but you just interested you're not

really committed to it

you're not putting in 50 60 hours

when my wife got diagnosed with ms i

never quit doing the work

because i wasn't doing it for people i

was doing it for the kids that i was

doing it for so even with ms

she had to quit her job i'd take it to

another level

some of y'all are negotiating not

because of the company

you negotiate because you're not the

best at what you do and i need y'all to

go back and be the best at what you do

and then i need y'all to come together

as the best and then take this thing to

the next level

and there are some of you you know what

you want

you know what you want but you are not

personally willing to do the work it

takes to get it

what you're trying to do is do what

you've done on this level and get the

next level

you're trying to do exactly what you're

doing on this level you're like i'm

getting up every day

i'm putting in two and a half i'm

putting in three and i'm not getting the

opportunity the opportunity might

require three and a half

i'm lifting weights i'm eating right and

i'm not getting the opportunity

it might require getting up and working

out three and a half it might require

you saying no to your friends

it might require you changing your diet

it might require you moving to another


whatever it takes you got to be willing

to do it and you keep saying you're not

there because of something else

because it's easier to blame somebody


because now you don't got to do no work

when you blame somebody else guess who

got to do the work

they got to do the work but guess who

got the power

they got the power how many are tired of

other people having the power let me see

your hand

you want the power just being real hands

down hands down think about what i just


how many you want the power let me see

your hands good right now

right down next to your crazy idea some

of the things that you know you're doing


that's messing up what you're doing


all right i'm going to tell you this

story i got to get out of here and the

story is about you guys have probably

heard about this before it was a

it was a young man who you know he

wanted to make a lot of money and so

he went to this guru right and he told

the guru you know i want to be on the

same level you are

and so the guru said if you want to be

on the same level i'm on i'll meet you


at the beach at 4am

he liked the beach i said i want to make

money i don't want to swim

so the young man got there at 4am he

already rock and roll got on the suit

he should have wore shorts the old man

grabs his hand said how bad do you want

to be successful he said real bad he

said walk on out in the water

so he walks out into the water watch

this when he walks onto the water it

goes ways deep

so he like this guy crazy adrian like i

wanna make money he got me out here


i didn't ask to be a lifeguard i want to

make money

he got me in so he said come on a little

further walked out a little further

then he had it right around this area to

show the area

so this old man crazy he making money

but he crazy he said come on out a

little further came a little further

it was right at his mouth my man like

i'm about to go back in here this guy is


so the old man said i thought you said

you wanted to be successful he said i do

he said walk a little further he came

dropped his head in held him down hold

him down my man getting scratching

holding him down

he had him held down just before my man

was about to pass out

he raised him up he said i got a

question for you somebody answered the

question for me

he said when you were under water what

did you want to do

said i wanted to breathe

he told the guy he said when you want to


as bad as you want to breathe then

you'll be successful

i don't know how many y'all got asthma

here today but if you ever had an asthma

attack before

you short of breath the only thing

you're trying to do

is get some air you don't care about no

basketball game

you don't care what's on tv you don't

care about nobody calling you

you don't care about a party the only

thing you care about

when you're trying to breathe is to get

some fresh air that's it

and when you get to the point where all

you want to do is be successful

as bad as you want to breathe then

you'll be successful

and i'm here to tell you number one that

most of you say you want to be


but you don't want it bad you just kind

of want it

you don't want it better than you want

to party you don't want it as much as

you want to be cool

you most of you don't want success as

much as you want to sleep

beyonce said once she was on the set

doing her thing three days had gone by

she forgot she didn't eat

because she was engaged i never forget

when 50 cent was doing this movie i did

a little

research on 50 and 50 said that when he

wasn't doing the movie

he was doing the soundtrack and they

said when do you sleep 50

sleep he says sleep sleep is for those

people who are broke

i don't sleep he said i got an

opportunity to make a dream become a


most of you won't be successful because

when you're studying and you get tired

you quit

and i'm here to tell you today if you

got somebody came in my office the other

day crying

i said look don't cry to give up try to

keep going

don't cry to quit you already in pain

you already hurt

get a reward from it don't go to sleep

until you succeed listen to me i'm here

to tell you today that you can come here

you can jump up

you can do flips you can be excited when

we give away money but listen to me

you'll never be successful until i have

to give you a dime to do what you do

you won't be successful until you say i

don't need that money

cause i got it in here so listen to me

emma smith said this

at the end of the commercial emma smith

said all men are created equal

some work harder in pre-season i'ma say

it again because you might have missed


all men are created equal some work

harder in pre-season

so that means that there are some people

who are going to see the professor

going to see the ta and even when the

professor says i don't meet with you my

ta meet with you you say i want to talk

to your t.a

i don't pay the ta i pay you to teach me

so you're gonna have to find some time

to meet me if i gotta meet you at the


if i gotta meet you at your house you

are going to see me

listen to me all men are created equal

some work hard in preseason when i went

to college

guys were way smarter than me 4.0 3.0

they went to the ivy league high schools

came to oakwood from these great high

schools most of them are not doing what

i'm doing why because it's not about

where you come from

it's about hearts you come to a place

where you know being smart enough

you got to have hearts that's number one

watch number two

the important thing is this you're

writing why i'm saying it the most

important thing is this

to be able at any moment to sacrifice

what you are for what you will become

that's the number two thing you got to

catch that one to be

able to listen to me at any moment

some of you you can make sacrifices when

monday night football is not on

you can make a sacrifice but when the

game come on for some reason you just

attach to it

for some of you when your favorite show

come on you you can be you can make

sacrifices on sunday when ain't nothing

going on

but when your favorite show comes on

monday bam some of you you focus into

the phone ring and you like i gotta

answer it if i don't answer the phone

i'm gonna die i'm saying to you today

that there are some of you

if you give up your cell phone you will

be successful

but your cell phone is more important to

you than your success

i'm gonna say it again i'm gonna hurt

somebody i'ma hurt somebody

some of you need to give up your cell

phone because the time you spend on your

cell phone could be used for your


the time you could be using to be


you're using it on the sale and the cell

phone is not bringing you nothing but a


and somebody has told you you couldn't

live without it i'm talking about going

deep now giving up stuff

watch what it says to be able at any

moment to sacrifice

what we are for what we could be i don't

do well in math you're right

you ain't never studied


i'm not good in writing because you have

never written before

but i dare you to fail in writing for a

whole year to see if you can get to the


i dare you to fail i dare you to take

that same class over and over again

i dare you to stop dropping classes like



If you have any doubts, Please let me know

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