Friday, July 31, 2020

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Inspiring Speech:True Rules To Success

we should know how to handle not only how to handle success how to handle the failures, particularly you are in the management environment what turn if I want the young people to understand how to manage the failure because any task you do you have to across problem should not become the captain of the individual or a project chief music!!! music!!!! the project chief should become the captain of the problems and defeat the problem and succeed learning gives creativity leads to thinking provides knowledge makes u great. history has proven,  history has proven that those who dared to imagine the impossible! Are the one who breaks all the human limitations in every field of human endeavor whether science medicine sports, arts, and technology the names are the people who imagined the impossible are engraved in our history by breaking the limits of their imaginations they changed the world u take CV RAMAN, u take NEWTON u take EINSTEIN u take CHANDRASHEKAR by breaking the limits of their imaginations they change the world if you want to be discoverers if you want to be innovators.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes - Home | Facebook

I am going to give you what type of character you must have invention and discoveries have illuminated from the creative mind that has been constantly working and imagine the outcome the telephone he was imagining the outcome imagine the outcome in the mind with the images and constant effort all the forces of the universe work for that inspire mind thereby leading to invention & discoveries Sir! I would like to hear from you a few tips for the upcoming generation. to succeed in Life Well! succeed in Life I have already told you, you have to do four things okay! 

 You have many accomplishments. you written books you served as president you are an aerospace engineer, you have been a professor. but! you say the title  " the best is the title of teacher " why is that? you know I had a teacher you might ever say, young boy. 10 years boy. The second world war was going on at that time I use to see my class fifth class teacher in science teacher. he enters the classroom and we use to see the radiation knowledge from him when he enters the classroom my teacher I see RADIATION OF PURITY OF LIFE! and his, the way he taught, my dream got shaped. what should be my way of life he the person   that teach and gave me the vision of my life whenever say young fellow now a teacher has got a fantastic opportunity to grow minds to and give the dreams to young people and mature the dream with them and they will become great human being sometimes they will become better than you but better than the teacher so that opportunity you have I will have a great aim I will continuously acquire the knowledge I will do hard work I will Persevere and succeed 

DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE - Powerful Motivational Speech Ever

 Life How beautiful it is How amazing it is To be able to rise up in the morning and have that sunshine on your face rather than on your grave. What makes life so unique and so beautiful? It is beautiful because whatever you have that you may be facing what you may be dealing with. Life is still good. Life has so many moving parts. But life is always good Every day is a new day and another opportunity that others may not have. This life that you have been given. This life that you are temporarily holding on to. This life that has been just given to you for only temporary reasons has more meaning then you can ever imagine. So many people in the world take life for granted instead of realizing that you have to take the opportunity to live it the best way your know-how. Now on this journey of life, you're going to face a significant amount of circumstances, a significant amount of challenges. You're going to fall into areas that you cannot understand and maybe it's not ina position for you to understand at that moment.

When you start to feel that you are in a position that you don't love your life then shame on you! Because your life is a beautiful thing and no one deserves to ruin it, no one deserves to control it, no one deserves to steal your joy. Your life is your life and you have the right to live it the best way you can. You must discipline yourself and take full control and responsibility for the outcome of whatever it is that you are seeking at this moment. There are going to be so many different things that you will embark on. There are going to be so many different things that are going to try to slow you down. There are going to be so many different challenges that you must face. But instead of running away from the challenge, run towards the challenge. Be able to understand that life has meaning, it has a reason! And all of these things that you may be thinking that it is so hard on you. Just remember, sometimes you're going to have to go through these changes, these circumstances that put you in a position to make you feel that you're not worthy anymore. But make no mistake, you are worthy. You were created for something, you weren't created for anything. Life has a gift, a gift of giving, a gift of receiving, and whether if it's good or bad, you got to make sure you understand that these circumstances and these challenges has to happen in your life.

You will come to a point, that you may feel that you are in a hopeless situation. You may come to a point in your life where you're at the end of a rope and the only thing left to do is to climb up because you only can do so much for so long. But make sure you do much more instead of doing less. Stop stressing about the things that you cannot control and start focusing on the things that you have control of. Take control of your life. Take control of the opportunities. Believe in yourself and know that it is not over for you. So many people out there in this world right now will try to tell you not to be something that you feel in your heart that you want to be. So many people out there right now are miserable and they'll try their best to take you with them. Do not let misery control the life that you have. Do not let anyone tell you how to live it. Do not let anyone validate your purpose. Do not let anyone validate your destiny. Someone told you a long time ago that you weren't worthy. 

Someone looked you in the eye and said you weren't going to make it. I say to you right now that you will make it. I say to you right now that you must make it. I say to you right now that you must tell excuses, fear, and doubt that it has no place in your place of business. For this is your life that you are fighting for. This is your life that you are living for. And make no mistake, no one is going to do you, better than you. Don't wait for something to happen you make it happen, you make it happen for a reason and take full responsibility and control of this thing we call Life.


 It is my great honor and pleasure… privileged to be amongst all of you here this evening… Oh, this afternoon, I am still in Germany! I travel a lot, and I see that every country has a USP, a unique selling proposition. When we talk about the United States of America, it has a USP: Liberty, freedom, comfort for the citizens. When we talk about the United Kingdom, it has a USP: Royalty, the supremacy of the Queen. When we travel to Japan, Japan has a USP: technology. You travel to the Middle East; the MiddleEast has a USP: Oil. And when we talk about India, India also has a USP, a unique selling proposition, something that all of us are known for. Sometimes they say, how do you recognize an Indian? An Indian is known by a man or a lady who will use the shampoo till the last bit by putting water to the bottle.
Gaur Gopal Das- Speaker in Kerala literature Festival KLF –2020 ...

How do you recognize an Indian? You would know an Indian by a man or a lady who will use the belan, the rolling pin, to squeeze the last bit of the toothpaste out of the toothpaste. How do you recognize an Indian? An Indian is a person who gives another persona missed call, that culture doesn’t exist in the world. There’s nothing like a missed call in the world, by the way, ladies and gentlemen. How do you know an Indian? You would know an Indian by a person who will use a T-shirt till there’s a hole in it. And once it’s unusable in the day, because there is a hole in it, you would probably start using it in the night. And if it’s still not usable in the night any longer, you keep it for Holi. And if it’s not even usable for Holi, then you'll use it as pooja (mop). Then you know for sure you know then that you are truly an Indian. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are known for our sparing nature, no wonder a lot of people of this world are super-wealthy, in this country are super-wealthy. India is known for Bollywood. India is known for its cricket. India is known for its beautiful architecture, magnificent edifices. 

India is known for its Himalayas. India’s known for its literary contributions. India is known to be a developing economy now. Indeed, India is known for many, many things. But what India is especially known for on this planet Earth is its unique contribution to the field of spirituality. Wherever I travel in the world, I see people glorifying, talking about eulogizing the principle of spirituality that comes from this great land: Bharat Bhumi. People from America, people from Europe, people from different parts of the world come to India to see the beauty of India. But if you go to Rishikesh, if you go to the Himalayas, there’s a lot of people out there who are coming here to learn spirituality, who are coming here to learn yoga, who are coming here to learn the inner engineering, the inner ecology of life. Of course, when we talk about wellness, how can we neglect the principle of spiritual wellness? This afternoon, I thought I would share with you an analogy that one of my spiritual mentors, his Holiness Sacinandana Swami, who was a German by birth, once told me. It’s a beautiful analogy; it’s calledThe Tree of Life. Whenever we look at a beautiful tree, one of the most essential parts of the tree is its roots. A tree has three aspects to it, essentially. One is the roots; the second is the trunk, and the third is the crown of the tree. And when we talk about the roots, a healthy tree has healthy roots. The deeper the roots, the stronger the roots, the tree stands strong in storms, cyclones, hurricanes, and tornados. And the roots are not seen to our eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, those roots are compared to our spirituality. Our achievements are was seen to people; our gadgets are seen to people; our money is seen to people.

Our accolades are seen to people. Our charisma is seen in people. Our success is seen in people. What’s not seen to the eyes of the people is our roots, our spiritual development. And therefore, I always say, if we do not work on what is unseen, it’s very difficult to sustain what is seen. We also need to look at the roots, and that why I say the roots… strengthening the roots happens by connection. Connection to our own selves, connection to divinity. That’s why meditation, yoga, chanting prayer, is gaining such popularity all over the world because everyone sees that the unseen roots need to be strengthened so that the tree is strong. And when those roots are strong, the second aspect which is the trunk of the tree… the trunk of the tree is our physical and our emotional well-being. That’s the trunk. And a trunk can stand strong, and a trunk can stand stable only if the roots are deep and strong. If the roots aren’t deep and strong, the trunk is dodgy and wobbly. A hurricane or a cyclone can shake it, sometimes even uproot it from the very core. I remember very well in the year 2009… I believe it was on the 9th of July. I received a phone call from my mom, half-one in the morning, and she was crying on the phone. I guessed it: the inevitable has happened. My father was bedridden from Parkinson’sdisease. I knew something untoward had taken place. Obviously, my father had passed away. I went to the cremation. My father’s body was lying on the stage.

A few family friends, a couple of relatives were all there. They started talking about my father, on this good thing, and all of that. And then, one member who was the leader of the community I belong to and who also happened to be family spoke a few words about my father. And then he said, “Actually this man would have lived longer. But the cause of this man’s death is a son.” He called me the killer of my father. Did you hear that? Could there be an insult worse than that? That night when I went to my mom’s house, even after years of my spiritual practice, I was tossing and turning as these words rang in my ears, that I was the killer of my father. It was because of me that my father had died. Ladies and gentlemen, my mind was restless. My emotional state had been disturbed. And when your emotional state is disturbed, you can’t sleep, you can’t get anything of your life… your experience of life is proportional to your emotional state. Therefore, William Blake said the mind can make a heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven. That night as I tossed and turned, I remember one statement my guru Radhanath Swami, the author of The Journey Home… if you can grab it, read it; beautiful book. He said, “Do not give the remote control of your emotions to someone else.” That man by what he was saying was pressing a button on the remote control and making me feel trash. I depend on you to say that your talk was great and feel good, and I depend on you to say that my talk was bad, and I feel trash. That means I’ve given the remote control to you. I feel good because you make me feel good.

I feel bad because you make me feel bad. And how shallow is life? Well, I don’t have the guts to take control of my emotions in my own hands. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to learn how to take control of our feelings in our own hands. I will not allow any damned person under the sun to make me feel good or bad by what he or she says. If they say good, fine, that’s good—appreciation, nice. I’m happy with it. And even if they trash me, fine; it’s their opinion. It’s the way they think. Ladies and gentlemen, the trunk is our physical and our emotional stability. And I’m not getting into the physical well-being, because of the paucity of time obviously. And the last one is the CROWN. The crown is our contribution to the world. The crown is where the fruits come. The crown is where the leaves come. The crown is where the flowers come. And the fruits are for others. The flowers are for others. The leaves are for others. The shade that the crown of the tree gives is for others. Our contribution to others. I’m saying this because people say that life is like ice cream, you should enjoy it before it melts. It’ll indeed melt away. I say life is like a candle. You should bring light to others before it melts.

Both the ice cream melts, and the candle melts. But the ideology behind the ice-cream is selfish enjoyment. And the ideology behind the candle is a selfless contribution, selfless service to others. And each of us in our own ways must learn how to contribute, like the crown of the tree. I must end with this little thing that I want to say. This last one point I would like to mention is this: if you have ever been on a flight, the members of the cabin crew will come there and say: ladies and gentlemen, this is a seatbelt. I know. This is how you buckle it. I know. I know some pilots are sitting here; I must apologize. If there’d be a lack of oxygen supply in the cabin, oxygen masks will drop from the cabin above your heads. Secure your mask properly and breathe normally. Make sure your oxygen mask is secured properly before you help others. God, I thought this is the height of selfishness. But if you don’t keep yourself in place, you can’t help others. If you don’t have resources, you cant share your resources. If you don’t feel loved, you can’t share the love. If you don’t feel hope, you can’t give hope. If you don’t feel uplifted, you can uplift others. Therefore be selfish first. Care for your roots. Care for your trunk, because only when your roots and trunk are in place, then the crown can give others.

How many of you look to like to look beautiful? Any of you like to look handsome? Those who are not raising the hands think they are already good-looking. Anyway, that’s another story about it. One lady teacher came to class and wrote on the whiteboard: I am beautiful; which tense is it? The student says past tense, madam. You know, our late president Shri Abdul KalamJi said a very nice thing which left a deep mark on me. He said, if you really want to look handsome, give your hand to some. And you will automatically look handsome because handsomeness is not about beauty and looks, it’s about how we contribute to people. I conclude by saying, if you are beautiful, it’s God’s gift to you. If you live your life beautifully, it’s your gift to God. And therefore the Tree of Life is about three things: ROOTS, unseen to the world. Deepen them by connection to the divine, connection to God, your spiritual practice, your meditation, your prayer. The TRUNK is about the cultivation of emotional and physical wellness, emotional stability. Do not allow others to remote-control you. And three, the CROWN is about contribution. Giving, returning back, a sense of purpose, because the purpose of life is a life of purpose, and thus, the Tree of Life teaches us three things: connection, cultivation, and contribution. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to thank all of you very, very much for your kind attention. Thank you very much. 

Ratan Tata speech on India's Car Industry

 Thank you. It's a great pleasure and a great privilege to be here this evening. A little overwhelming, if I may say so. And I'm overwhelmed. Let me just say that on all the years in the varying, varying capacities that I've tried to work in, in India, the most fascinating period of time that I had is in the automotive area. The automobile business is truly an emotive and tremendously rewarding business. It has more excitement than any other business. I've been involved in. The greatest pleasure I've had is trying to do something that everybody says could not be done. I'll just share perhaps, perhaps, a moment in time, which I will always cherish. I decided that India could produce its own car.
Ratan Tata

Everybody my friends overseas in the automobile business said that this couldn't be done. We had to go through collaboration to get to know how to get technology that we undertake to produce this car. You saw images of it in the video were called the IndyCar and we produced it in India, totally of Indian content. as we as we got close to putting in the market my friends in India somewhat distanced themselves from me, otherwise known as distancing yourself from failure. And when the car came out I suddenly felt that I didn't have a friend in the world and all the warnings that people had given me were probably going to come true. But the car did come out. It did earn a 20% market share. And we showed that we could do something throughout the time I've been involved in the business, there hasn't been anything that has equaled the excitement, the reward and the exhilaration that the car industry has provided and can provide. It gives, as has been said earlier, an opportunity to test new technologies, new building methods.

But above all, it has helped in the transformation of the Indian economy, to the mobile economy. And a great deal of what has happened in India'shappened right here in Detroit. The world was a great deal to the United States for doing what it did to get the car industry to be taken for granted the rest of the world as it has over the years. It's a great pleasure to be involved in the industry, and very humbling recognition to receive the award that's been bestowed today. I owe this to my colleagues in the company who have transformed this business and I would like to thank the automotive who put together this award and to say how much I cherish, cherish that being included in the Hall of Famer. Thank you so much.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

TikTok Ban and Hong Kong Situation..........!!!!!

Hi, friends! TikTok has  finally been banned in the entire country Not only TikTok but 59 Chinese apps in total have been banned by the government And this is a wonderful decision of the government in my opinion It is an easy decision and a very small step, albeit an extremely important one Because today, if we want to tackle China and take a stand against them so this would be one of the first steps to do so Infact, in my opinion, this has been done by India today, but I would like to say that according to me, every democratic country in the world should take this step USA, Europe, Australia, Canada all the democracies should together follow what India did today Because we're all aware of the danger these Chinese apps pose to privacy Everyone knows that they steal data but an even more important reason is that the Chinese Communist Party considers itself the master of the world IT considers itself a dictator, which is a danger to all the democratic countries of the world They feel that they can do whatever they wish to They send their Chinese software into other countries and steal data from there but do not allow any other social media network within its own country TokTok should remain banned all across the world until social media networks like Youtube, Google and Facebook are allowed to freely operate within China And do you know why they are not allowed to freely operate? Because they know that the day free social media comes to their country, and the people would have access to free speech and free media.

The day this happens would mark day one of its Party's road to perdition They know that if this happens, their government would collapse very soon One of the most important reasons for the dictatorship they have been able to establish over the people is the total social media and total media control To break free from this and liberate the Chinese people, this is one of the first steps that need to be taken This is why, in my opinion, it is an extremely important decision to ban TikTok because if all the countries around the world would start to do this, then it would mount pressure on China to allow the rest of the social media networks within its own country If only this happens, are their chances of the start of a democratic movement This is why I hope that the ban by the government is permanent this time and not that it is later unbanned by the government, which takes a U-turn It is difficult to have trust. Especially, the response of TikTok after this ban alludes to the fact that this decision might be temporary and that the government would again unban it Their response reads, "We have been invited to meet with concerned government stakeholders for an opportunity to respond and submit clarifications So, we can only hope that this ban is permanent and that the government would not be swayed by them because... Let me show you an interesting thing They have written in the comments as a reply that TikTok continues to comply with all data privacy and security requirements under the Indian law and has not shared any information of our users in India with any foreign government, including the Chinese government.

 They claim to never have given any data to the Chinese government Further, if we are requested to in the future, we would not do so They mean to say that, if the Chinese government requests TikTok India for a user's data in future, then they would refuse the Chinese government This does not convince me and I do not buy this as the truth And there is a reason behind this The reason is Article 14 and Article 16 of the Chinese Intelligence Law, 2017 According to this law, no matter what the Chinese companies say they would have to dance to the tunes of the Chinese government they would have to dance to the tunes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because, let me read out what this law states Article 14 of this law states that national intelligence institutions may request relevant organs, organizations and citizens (to) provide necessary support , assistance and cooperation That is, if the Chinese intelligence agencies request for anything from any company, then they would have to comply with that request Article 16 says that intelligence officials may enter relevant restricted areas and venues may learn from and question relevant institutions, organizations and individuals and may read or collect relevant files, materials or items That is, they can take any data from any company that they wish and this is stated by the Chinese law So, no matter what the Chinese companies say, as long as this is written in the Chinese law.

the Chinese government can request data from them openly and they are bound to comply If they do not do this, a case would be registered against their company And it is because of intelligence this law, that Australia did not allow the 5G technology of Huawei to operate within its country USA also banned Huawei and in fact, the envoy of Donald Trump in the European Union says that China has made such laws that say, a Chinese private company is running a car and if that car is connected with the 5G network, and the any Chinese government makes a request that they have to kill the person sitting in that particular car, then legally, that company would have to comply with that request Such examples were used in the USA to show how dangerous it is to allow Chinese private companies in the rest of the countries I would also like to give you a brief update on what is happening Hong Kong because this is quite related The Chinese government passed a new security law there, day before yesterday which completely represses all the freedom of speech and democracy within Hong Kong This law states that any act of secession, subversion of the central government terrorism and collusion with foreign or external forces, may invite full life imprisonment Put simply,.

Everything that the Chinese Communist Party considers to be a threat to the "national security", can either be punished by a summon to the mainland China or by lifelong imprisonment What's interesting is that the definition of the "threat to national security" is upon their Communist Party to decide They would themselves decide who is anti-national and who is a nationalist and can send someone to jail based on that In fact, even if someone is protesting non violently to demand democracy in Hong Kong, they could even sentence that person to life imprisonment by declaring him anti-national Sounds familiar, doesn't it? This entire game of "nationalists" and "anti-nationals" is all a farce by the political parties to suppress free speech and democracy Whosoever is not agreeable to them is put in the category of an "Anti-national" This happens in India too. And the Communist party is acting similarly Whoever speaks up in opposition and raises their voice against their corruption and other activities would be declared anti-national and jailed Another interesting thing about the new Chinese security law is that not only is it valid for the Chinese people and the Hong Kong people, it is also valid for foreign citizens That is if you accuse the Chinese government sitting outside of China, in India, then they would brand you as anti-national and can put you in jail the next time you visit China I had made plans and I was very eager to go to Hong Kong but I do not think this is possible 

anymore If you have ever criticized China in any capacity, then it is no use going to China or Hong Kong because this law is extremely dangerous and applicable to all "...In many ways, almost every aspect of Hong Kong's lives will change from now on. Even its nonviolent acts can be considered to breach national security.." Another interesting aspect of this law is that there used to be an independent judiciary in Hong Kong Say that the Chinese government declares that someone is against the Communist party and declares them anti-national but then, this would be taken to court but they have bypassed even that. The new law states that the judges that would decide whether this law is applicable in a particular case or not would be elected by the people who belong to the Communist Party That is, they have done away with the independence of the judiciary as well So, there is no hope in the citizens of Hong Kong of being saved by the courts if they get arrested by the law That is also not going to happen After it was passed, the new law- NATO, USA, European Union- all have condemned it In fact, United Kingdom had earlier stated that if China passes this law, then they would provide all the Hong Kong citizens with the opportunity to get UK citizenship and that it would invite them to their country.

The neighboring country Taiwan has also opened its doors All the people who want to come to Taiwan from Hong Kong for pro-democracy protests are free to do so In fact, the government of Taiwan has also promised to provide assistance in different ways for these pro-democracy protests "... the most tragic thing is for the youth. I am 72. I don't have much time left. you know, to face a place without the rule of law But those young people, they have to face a future without the protection of rule of law." Several protesters still hold their ground despite the passing of this law. And on the 1st of July, they took out a protest march, even after the passing of this law The police even arrested several people, having declared them anti-national but the protests still continue I feel that it is extremely necessary that India shows solidarity with the people of Hong Kong as well and the Indian government should think of different ways to help the people of Hong Kong and to mount pressure on China The banning of TikTok should not be the final step Some of the people in our media have been saying that this is a "digital surgical strike" and that it ends the issue That is not how it should be because as we can see.

China is not going to stop China is continuously making border intrusions: Let me give you an update on that too Along with that, the situation in Hong Kong is also persisting So, many more steps would need to be taken and this should be considered as one of the first steps Speaking of border intrusions, China has started a new border dispute with Bhutan There used to be an area in Bhutan which China is now claiming as theirs So, a new controversy has been started by China. And if we are to talk about India, then what was told to us by Ajay Shukla Ji in this video as to how much Indian land has been occupied by China the satellite images and the other proofs that are surfacing validate the claims made in this video A huge portion of land that was earlier claimed by India is now under China The satellite images show that permanent structures have come up in the region between finger 4 and finger 8 In fact, China has drawn its map over there which is visible in the satellite images and something is written therein Chinese which basically goes on to show that it is their declaration that they occupy that region now I feel that first of all, the Indian government should openly accept before the public that India has lost some of its areas to the Chinese so that the people are at least aware of the truth And then, together.

we can think about what other actions could be taken against China And  India will have to work together with other democratic countries In order to counter China and teach a lesson to China Here, I'd like to ask your opinion on what other ways could China be countered without going to war on a military scale in order to save Hong Kong and liberate the Chinese citizens Write down your opinions in the comments below If you liked this video, then share it I'd like to give a small message to the TikTokers for the talented content creators who were creating quality content on TikTok by slogging for so many years And then, a day arrives when one decision bans the entire app and now you'd feel that all your labour has been laid to waste I can imagine how you must be feeling I can imagine how bad I would feel if something similar happened with YouTube But there is one thing you should remember Your talent and the content that you create with it is not restricted by any platform You talent lies within you TikTok has been banned today. But you can switch to YouTube and Instagram to show your talent you will receive the same amount of love from the audience that you used to get there In fact if I were to give you a tip, all the best TikTok videos that you've made over the past few years You must have saved them somewhere.

pico pocket projector @ $100

 What's up guys, today I'm bringing you something...  Today I'm bringing you something small. Something small that's not usually small. It's a projector. It's one of the smallest I could find, fits in the palm of your hand, is about the size of a phone. It's around a hundred bucks. It's not super highly specced out when you're talking about lumens and resolution and all that jazz, but it's more of a kind of a little pocketable theater if you will. You're gonna want to use this in a dark environment, I think it's like 25 lumens,960 by 540, maybe even in your backyard on the fence, you wanna have a little drive-in movie type vibe? Anyway, Pocket Projector from a company called "AAXA Technologies".

 You can see on the side here, you can use it with many different devices. You can even hook a game console up to it! For a real party! Even has a speaker in it, which is cool or a headphone jack if you want to take it to the next level. There are a couple of ways to interface with this guy, I believe. It features Mini- HDMI. Look how small that is. Or, you can stick an SD card in here with all your media files on it. So here is the little guy. Wow, that's- I've seen some small projectors, but that is... That's about a small as they go. There's the lens on the front there. Jack can probably pick that up. Also a wheel, probably to focus that lens, I'm guessing. This looks like the speaker. Some controls here on the top. Over here we have DC 5 volt in. I suppose to charge this up. It'll do like, a movie's worth of battery life. There's also a USB Out on it I suppose that's for hooking up maybe an external drive or something? On the bottom, a tripod mount. Over here we have our SD card slot, that's microSD, but those are huge now, you can get like 200gigabytes. You have an AV out, headphone jack, and of course your Mini-HDMI, so USB to charge it up... Makes sense. Uhh... And then they gave you the standard AV.

Of course! And look, they did include a mini little tripod, that's sweet. So you can catch the right angle. See, there's even a little clip on it. And look at that, you can- can you catch an angle- Yeah, you can! It's time to test this thing out. Hopefully, we have a charge. Little fan in there! Oh, that baby came on, okay, cool. Yeah, the interface, it's pretty basic, but then again... You gotta curb your expectation. This thing is around a hundred bucks, and you're getting a built-in media player, they didn't have to give you that, it could have just been an HDMI In. So if you don't want to use the media functionality, just get yourself an HDMI cable, hook up your console, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, or whatever; and feed media to it that way. So if what you need is a little movie theater every once in a while, this guy will figure it out. It'll hook you up. 

-----/apple wwdc session\-----





//////Tim cook Donald Trump\\\\\\

 The trade war between the United States and China has the biggest tech companies worried about whether tariffs could cut into their bottom lines. But one company was able to thread the needle between a volatile American president and the world's biggest consumer market. More than any other tech leader, AppleCEO Tim Cook has spent a lot of time charming the Trump administration, and it seems to be paying off. President Donald Trump and Cook'srelationship started after Trump's election win in 2016. Donald Trump took a few shots apple during the campaign, but as soon as he was elected, he toldThe New York Times in an interview, one of the people who called to congratulate him was with Tim Cook.

This is Kif Leswing, Tim Cook'soffice reaching out to Donald Trump, you know, saying congrats on being the president. I hope we can work together, kind of stuff. That's how the relationship started. So after Trump's win, he called the CEO's of several tech companies to meet at Trump Tower. Apple CEO Tim Cook was one of them. President Trump pulled together a lot of business leaders with a surprising number of high-tech leaders there This is Jeff Sonnenfeld. He's a senior associate dean for leadership study at Yale University's School of Management. They all came. He wasn't yet president. He is president-elect. Most didn't know him. Very few supported him. And that's true of the U.S. business community in general, not just Silicon Valley types. They still came, which was interesting. Tim Cook used that as an opportunity to start to forge a relationship. In a message to Apple employees, Cook explained why he showed up to talk to trump despite supporting Hillary Clinton. According to TechCrunch, Cook wrote, 'he never found being on the sideline a successful place to be.' And, 'the way that you influence these issues is to be in the arena.' Since the meeting, Cook continued to cultivate close ties with Trump and his family. The Apple CEO met with Trump over dinner at his New Jersey golf course twice since 2017.

He's attended state dinners hosted by the president and he has a good relationship with the Ivanka and Melania, according to White House officials. President Trump likes to break bread with people and he relaxes over food and other people relax over food. So it's food and the golf course and those kinds of scenes that are ways that you get away from wearing the formal uniforms and get off the pillars of office. In February 2019, Cook joined the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, a group dedicated to getting the unemployed into the workforce. And since 2017, Cook has been a part of the White House Office of American Innovation, a group focused on improving quality of life and spurring job creation. The boards are led by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Cook and Ivanka Trump even traveled to an Idaho elementary school last November for a photo-op. Apple had donated iPads to all the teachers and students in the district. This is TimCook working a personal relationship with Trump. And as different issues unfolded, when Tim Cook wants to take a different position, say, on climate change or immigration policies, he'll give a heads up alert to the White House. And he'll often do that through Ivanka Trump or more often through Jared. But so far as Iknow, there are no remote financial arrangements behind this. Apple claims it doesn't engage in politics and it doesn't have a PAC, something Cook has said shouldn't exist.

Most companies in Silicon Valley spend quite a bit more informal lobbying, whereas Apple spends very little informal lobbying. It has more than the personal diplomacy rather than the K-Street bandit is working over the White House. Nevertheless, Cook keeps in touch with Trump, making calls, and scheduling meetings when appropriate. So he has Trump's ear when government policy collides with Apple's corporate interests. The president says that Apple CEO TimCook is a great executive, at least in part because Cook calls him on the telephone. The only one that calls me is Tim Cook. He calls me whenever there's a problem. He'll call. That influence is about to be put to the test as Apple applies for exclusions from anew round of tariffs. Big American companies are caught in a catch 22 when it comes to China. First, the United States has about three hundred twenty-nine million people. That makes it the third most populous country on earth. China has about 1.3 billion people. That means to keep growing, most American companies need access to Chinese consumers, and for companies that rely on manufacturing, the situation is even more thorny. It's often cheaper to make or assemble products in China and then ship them to a state like Ohio than it is to make those products in Ohio in the first place. President Donald Trump's trade war puts those companies in a tight spot. In summer 2017, Trump unleashed tariffs on billions of Chinese imports. Now, after more than a year of back and forth tariffs between the U.S. and China, companies making consumer tech hardware, like Apple, are going to get hit with tariffs if the U.S. and China can't close on a new trade deal. So Apple has become the poster child for the trade war for two main reasons. One, they get a substantial amount of their sales from mainland China. So as a market and having access to the market, that is critical for Apple. But there's a double whammy here because Apple also does the majority of its production in China as well. And through its production partners, including Foxconn, you know, they employ millions of people in China. New tariffs went into effect on September1st, 2019 in that hit some Apple products.

And now Apple is asking the administration for exclusions from that round of tariffs. But in the meantime, theUnited States Trade Representative Office has also already delayed some of the tariffs on certain consumer items until December 15th. 2019. The delay included cellphones, computers, video game consoles, some clothing products, and certain toys, which Trump said was decided to help consumer spending during the holiday season. For Apple, the December 15th tariffs mean a 15 % tax on Chinese imports, which would force Apple to either raise prices or accept lower margins on core products sold in the U.S.- Think iPhones and MacBooks. They're very anxious that they get a carve-out if there are tariffs against products produced in China because that's where most of the Apple phone production is still. They have very effectively explained to President Trump that he would be helping Samsung. The federal government now has to decide whether Apple gets another tariff exemption on core products. Cook has already appealed to Trump, even though the decision will be made by a trade representative. Tim was talking tome about tariffs. And, you know, one of the things that he made a good case is that Samsung is the number one competitor and Samsung is not paying tariffs because they're based in South Korea. And it's tough for Apple to pay tariffs if they're competing.

Now, the problem was that Samsung, a competitor, good competitor, wouldn't be paying tariffs and Tim Cook would have got to help him out short -term with that problem because it's a great American company. Samsung is in South Korea. Not fair. At the beginning of the trade war, Apple seemed confident it could avoid tariffs. In a June 2018 interview, Cook said he didn't believe the iPhone would get hit. The New YorkTimes reported his confidence came from the assurances within the Trump administration. If you listen to what Tim Cook has to say about the whole U.S.-China trade relations, he is very carefully dancing around that core topic of saying, look, these two economies are intricately linked together. We have to come to a resolution. This is not good for China or the U.S., which is good for Samsung, which has its production elsewhere in Asia. But the December 15th tariffs could be worse for Apple. Apple needs to protect that supply chain in China in addition to just selling iPhones there. When Trump signed his tax reform bill in December 2017, Apple repatriated hundreds of billions in overseas cash and a lower tax rate, saving the company an estimated27 billion dollars in taxes.

A month later, Apple announced its plans to pay thirty-eight billion dollars in taxes. Apple detailing how to accelerate its pace of U.S. investments and job creation, saying it's going to make a 350 billion dollar contribution to the U.S. economy over the next five years. Trump got wind of Apple's plans and tweeted on January 17th, 2018. I promised that my policies would allow companies like Apple to bring massive amounts of money back to the United States. Two weeks later, Trump cited Apple in his first State of the Union speech. Apple has just announced it plans to invest a total of three hundred and fifty billion dollars in America and hire another twenty thousand workers. Besides one small factory in Ireland, Apple doesn't own and operate any of its manufacturing. Instead, it contracts with manufacturers who assemble the company's products and most of them are in China. Tim Cook has been the architect of, under Steve Jobs his era, of taking manufacturing out of the U.S. and outsourcing it to China, to Foxconn and others in China. Foxconn, of course, which is a Taiwanese company, but it's located so much of the manufacturing in the mainland. Meanwhile, Trump has focused on getting Apple to make its products in the U.S. He's always been about American manufacturing, so he's criticized Apple a few times over its practice of doing the vast majority of its manufacturing in China. You got to start doing it over here. And you have.

I mean, you've put a big investment in our country. We appreciate it very much. Trump telling The Wall Street Journal that Apple CEO Tim Cook has committed to building three big manufacturing plants here in the U.S. Earlier this year, Apple announced a new version of the Mac Pro. In September, the company announced it would assemble them in Austin, Texas after it received tariff exemptions on10 of the 15 parts it needed to assemble the machine. Cook said in a statement we thank the administration for their support enabling this opportunity. Steve Jobs would have been a horrible CEO at this moment because think about what he would have to deal with kowtowed to both Beijing and Trump. Can you picture in a million years Steve Jobs threading the needle in the way that Tim Cook has? He is in a position where Chinese carriers are the lifeline for his business in the second-biggest economy in the world. And they manufacturer a lot of phones there. He has to live with that reality while simultaneously convincing Mad Dog Trump that he's going to hire more people and build more things here. And he's done it incredibly well. Like, could you imagine SteveJobs pulling that off? I really can't. So maybe what was needed right now is not this beacon of innovation. Maybe it's competence and logistical savvy and calmness. And that is what TimCook has brought to the table. That's why he's added about six hundred billion dollars in market cap to this company. Cook, for the most part, has been able to steer away from Trump's public attacks.

President tweeted about his new iPhone quote to Tim, The button on the iPhone was far better than the swipe. Despite Trump's iPhone critique, Sonnenfeldsays Cook has found the perfect combination when it comes to his relationship with President Trump. Well, it's a perfect recipe for Apple. I don't know that it's a perfect recipe for the nation, but it works for him. What Cook does is he retains a seat at the table. He presses, you know, what he thinks he is or what Apple's point of view on the policy is. And, you know, on those on the stuff that he disagrees with Trump, he makes his point known on that. He's issued companywide memos on the Paris Accords and various immigration-related policy moves from the Trump administration. But he never makes it personal. There was an opportunity to humiliate the president in one of these advisory council meetings. You may remember he turned to TimCook and referred to him as Tim Apple. We appreciate it very much, Tim Apple. And then on his Twitter iconic Tim Cook replaced his name with an apple. Now that was ambiguous. There are ways where you could see that he was maybe having a little bit of a spoof with the president, but the president and others could see that he was making fun of himself and somehow it diffused the situation pretty effectively.

In part because of situations like this, Cook has cultivated what Sonnenfeld calls personal respect, and that's what has helped him avoid negative criticism from the president. Tim Cook was quick to see that he doesn't want to be on the wrong side of public attacks from President Trump. And there must be a way you can talk with him privately when you have issues. And he's found that pipeline both through one-on-one discussions, not using collective action, not using lobbyists, but President Trump, the personal respect is very important to him, and he'll show that respect. To cultivate that personal respect, Cook has met with Trump face-to-face, which Sonnenfeld says is how Trump prefers to do business. He likes to meet in person, and he has a, despite the anger at these rallies and the language that's used and what people will talk about the divisiveness, on one-on-one sessions. He can be disarmingly charming and he knows that. And Tim Cook responds to that. I don't know how charming Tim Cook is, but I think he's a very good listener and he doesn't have a personal agenda. There's no grandiosity or egomania of Tim Cook. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

gfriend crossroads mv theory

 Gfriend's newest song, 'apple', explores the people are probably a little familiar with. temptation. the idea of an apple tree representing temptation is recognizable largely because of the bible. but it has been used in many places since then. Gfriend takes this theme and works it into the storyline to create something wholly unique to them. but before I break down what happens in this music video, we need to go back and see where it all started. all of Gfriend's previous releases were theoretically summarized at the beginning of the last album 'labyrinth', with the video titled 'tale of the glass bead: previous story'. and with the storybook that came with the album. by the way, I will leave a link to these translated storybooks in the description below, so make sure that you look at those if you want to... look at them. (laughs) between these two pieces of media, we were told the story of a group of girls who are born with glass beads on an island. this glass bead seems to represent the soul, by the way. and in apple, it seems to be sort of represented by the apple itself.

they are eventually gifted small magical abilities by a lake. 1 by 1, starting with so on. but they grow envious of the other's powers. it is implied later on that this causes a lot of problems between them. the narrator also subtly suggests that something else may be at play, and I have previously interpreted this to be a curse, because of the line 'was this magic truly only a gift?' accompanied by a dark witch-like artwork. I stand by this interpretation currently, especially knowing their connection to witches. after that, we got the crossroads music video which shows Cunha going back in time over and over again, seemingly trying to fix her friend's problems. but it wasn't until this album that we discovered what was going on here. in the storybook that came with the 'song of the sirens' album, we got a bunch of new information.

first, Cunha was sad. because even though she and her friends had magic, they were unhappy. this trails off with the sentence; 'if we gained magic, we thought we would be happy, but instead we...' now this reminds me a lot of txt's song titles, especially in Korean, with 'can't you see me'. the Korean title also trails off with the word 'we'. it says "the night the world burned, we..." I've previously tied this phrase to different timelines, like alternate or parallel timelines, so I do wonder if that has to do with Gfriend's well since we do know they also time travel! the image here suggests what happens pretty clearly, even without being explicitly stated. and this is the same image that we see at the beginning of the 'tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect', which came out in tandem with the promotions for this album. it shows many items from past music videos strewn about and broken. now, this video shows Cunha running from...something.

following the blue butterflies and a blue light that eventually leads her to the apple tree. and the storybook gives us some insight into this that we didn't have previously. in the book, it's described that she was told by... 'someone', who's not identified, that if she finds the blue butterfly of legend, her power will grow stronger. this tells us a lot about the blue butterflies. we've already previously known that they've been able to turn back time, as we've seen this in previous music videos. but at the very least, Cunha seems to believe that this blue butterfly will make her magic stronger and thus will help her save her friends. but remember, envy is also a key element to this story. even though Cunha in this book seems like she's trying to help her friends, I do wonder how true that is since she seems to have a constant collection of glass beads in past music videos. she travels through mountains and forests until she finally reaches an old bookstore. the owner tells her about the legend of the butterfly and how the village used to be known as the blue butterfly village, but because of misuse and evil intentions, the butterflies disappeared. but they were just asleep. waiting for the people that could handle their special powers. he tells Cunha that he thinks her magic can awaken the butterflies and turn back time - which we've seen in action, so we know that this is true - and maybe save her friends.

he then gives her the box that we've seen previously in crossroads, but also in the butterfly effect video. this box notably has 5 butterflies in it, not 4 like I previously thought because of crossroads. which means that in crossroads, after she goes back in time because of the ending of a fingertip, she's used two butterflies. she is also given a warning from the owner here he says that every time she uses a butterfly, she will pay a price and her glass bead will darken we see this again in crossroads where two butterflies have already left her bead tainted. he also tells her that if she uses the last butterfly she might see something that she's not yet prepared to handle. eCunhasimply responds that she would do anything to save her friends. the last page shows a lot of information through because someone else comes to the door, and the bookstore owner ominously says 'I see that the next girl has arrived' almost like he was expecting her. it also makes me wonder if he's expecting all of the girls. but it will get into him a little bit in the future the girl at the door here is swoon, who we can identify because of the previous storybook here, where she was taller than the other girl's, and here where her shadow had a face in it the hairstyle is the same.

I'm not 100% sure if he also gives her butterflies, or if he gives her a different gift... or nothing at all, just information, perhaps? but this whole thing seems to tie her in very well with the events of apple because she seems to be the ringleader that pulls Cunha into the whole magical situation that happens. some people have also suggested that this might be tied to the magic shop in its since Cunha does get an item. and, in one of the VCRs for bits, jungcook actually goes to a library and picks up a book about the magic shop, which is how they get there... so I do wonder if maybe it could be tied into that somehow? anyways, now that we're caught up to all the stuff that happened before the music video, we can start to break down what's in the music video - and there is a lot, so I'm just gonna tell you what I'm covering, and then we can go from there. first, the apple of temptation and the glass beads, which are being corrupted red, sings like a siren and might be tied somehow losing. the butterflies, which not only turn back time but are immensely powerful and the key instigators to the butterfly effect. the idea of lotus-eaters from mythology and the idea of the minotaur, which is trapped in a labyrinth.

the singing star that they mention in crossroads and just... the idea of stars in general because they're mentioned in all of their lyrics. I don't even have to try hard to try to find a song that mentions something about a star-- it's everywhere. so now that we have the backstory and the themes that I want to cover, let's get into breaking down this music video. and like I mentioned, this music video doesn't really start at the beginning of the music video, it starts at the beginning of the glass bead: butterfly effect" video. in this they tell us they are at a crossroads. now a crossroads are often defined as something that is neither here, nor there. a sort of in-between place likewise, this music video seems very deeply symbolic, so it might not be rooted (hah) in reality. so I don't know if we should necessarily be taking this music video at face value, but rather the symbolism of things, and how it mirrors and ties into other events that will or have happened in the Gfriend universe. I also think it's talking about events that haven't happened yet. that we haven't seen, but might appear in the future. 

I think we should not necessarily take this at face value in terms of direct events that are happening; rather look at it in a symbolic way that explains the story thematically. and assume that it mirror's actual events in the Gfriend storyline that we haven't been directly told about yet. it may be taking place in an actual mirror or maybe a dreamscape. but I do think that this reflection or mirror-world does affect our Cunha. and it might reveal things about other members as well. likewise, the music video might be something that's being watched through a glass bead. look at this scene with Cunha as she gets pulled in. it turns red. there's a familiar shine just on the right-side here which matches up with when we see the red colored glass bead beside you later on. we have seen the girls using their glass beads to scry before, so they can see events through them. this may imply that Cunha is being watched here... but who is watching her? and why? anyways, the storybook for this album gave us a lot of contexts to help explain the previous title track, 'crossroads'. since it kind of told us about the butterflies. and I think that this will be the case for the next as well, because this music video doesn't have some of its context explained - like the ending, for example. but it's possible that in the storybook for the third album of the series, we might get a better explanation. we do know that the temptation that Cunha comes across, the apple tree, is linked to their glass beads. they represent the soul and maybe one of the reasons that they can use magic at all.

even if this magic was a so-called "gift" from the lake. the temptation is also an important theme in its blood sweat and tears, which this music video sometimes mirrors. Cunha wants to become stronger, and as she mentioned in the storybook, she will do anything to save her friends, and becoming stronger is part of that. if it means tainting her glass bead, then that is something she will sacrifice to bring them all together again. the red signifies this temptation and allure to power, while the black that we see in the beads is tied to the use of the butterflies- as we know. likewise, I feel like sin is tied very directly to this temptation as well. her hair is bright red, just like the apples, and she's the only one we see with solo shots in front of the apple tree, both in the beginning and at the end. she's also the one seen giving Cunha the glass bead at the end here, you can tell from the ring on her finger. keep in mind, it seems like Cunha and sin were previously very close before they started to fight. she could enhance the main motivation for trying to become more powerful (on top of her other friends, of course). and this is what turns her to the butterflies. like I mentioned, these are seen in so many of the previous music videos. and as we've now learned, the butterflies might play a part in making your magic stronger.

likewise, Cunha seems to have the ability to awaken them from their slumber - and it's worth noting that we should be suspicious of the librarian who gives the butterflies to Cunha - he knows ALL about them and yet.. seemingly is unable to awaken them himself. likewise, we don't know why Cunha ends upTHERE, of all places. like, why an old library? actually, who told her to seek out the butterflies in the first place?? we are not told a name, simply that it is murmured to her. I think the librarian is suspect, and might not have the best intentions - as I said. he can't use the butterflies. what does he gain from telling this to Cunha? the butterflies, at first glance, don't seem to play as active of a role in this music video as previously. there isn't any obvious time travel, though we do see the darkening of the bead still, as I mentioned. and these butterflies seem to present throughout the music video in many many ways. and at the end, Cunha seems to release all of the other butterflies that she has collected, at once. and this might tie into their transformation at the end since the librarian did mention she might not be able to handle what happens if she uses them all. though I do believe it was quite purposeful on the girl's part to end up that way. after all, many parts of the music video almost seem like the steps in casting a spell or having a deep ritual like meaning. so somehow, I feel like if it is the butterflies doing, they knew what would happen.

hence why they turn into the black witches in the second part of the music video. or, it's possible that the consequences of using these butterflies still has yet to be seen. also, interestingly in them count onstage, we see everyone with their items from one of the concept photos, which I've talked about previously.... and Cunha, who previously had the glass bead and a butterfly on hers, is shown with NOTHING on the side of the butterfly. is this because she no longer has them? or because they're not important to her anymore? we see that in the music video, the scale is tilted again after this, the bead no longer carrying the weight that the flower petals seem to carry for her now. so the flowers seem to suddenly be very important, and we were told this through the advertising of the music video in the teasers and whatnot. we got a shot in the trailer that wasn't even used in the final music video, interestingly, of Cunha eating a flower it would fit into the scene where they're all eating the flowers at the table, so I'm not sure why they cut it or removed it? probably priority to a different scene, although can't say much on that. but what I can speculate on is the strange practice of eating flowers. notice that a good portion of the food on the table is flowers, and as I mentioned we saw Cunha specifically eating this flower. I think this might have something to do with mythology. now, previously we've tied Gfriend to the sirens, obviously because of the title of this album. Odysseus encountered these on his travels in greek mythology. but he also encountered something else.

the lotus-eaters. these were a people who at flowers, the flowers would make you forget your worries - something mentioned several times in apple's song lyrics and, chief of interest makes you sort of apathetic. look at Cunha after this scene; she seems almost apathetic and dreamy. interestingly, I wonder if thematically this means that this whole music video happened before 'time for the moon night' because she's quite apathetic and in a dream-like state in that music video. was it because of this? apparently in mythology, when you stop eating the flowers it will sort of sober you up a little bit, but you always retain that dreamy state. is this what happens to Cunha?? and to add to the fact that apple happened before the time for the moon night music video, we just have to look at the tree here. because they burn down the apple tree. and in time for the moon night, you can be seen at a gravestone surrounded by cut down trees, maybe indicating that this could have been the apple tree. to bring it back to the lotus-eaters, simply being around them would bring upon these effects. but kissing them would also be a way to ensheathe mind-fogging effect. and finally, it's said that lotus-eaters actually dream more vividly, even going so far as to share their dreams. does this pertain to friend a well? is the mirror world some sort of shared dream between these girls? I would like to remind you that even though I talk about these mythology stories and it does seem to heavily reference the lotus-eaters and other things in mythology, it is not going to be a direct replica of the original stories. I think they just take inspiration from these original stories and maybe use elements of it to tell their own story. the flower is likely a very powerful sort of magic that makes you become obsessed with it and think about nothing except it.

it may even impede Cunha on her journey. interestingly, it is shown in the music video who pulls her into this first room... and she came to the library right after mountain the storybook that we looked at earlier. did the librarian perhaps tell her some secret about the flowers? I really can't wait to find out more in the future. speaking of mythology, at the end of this video they all grow horns??? which makes me think of the minotaur. in mythology, the minotaur was cursed to wander a labyrinth however, Ariadne, who we have previously actually tied to swoon, uses a string to lead him to the exit. however, it didn't swoon, but yerin in falling light who is seen with yarn it's also in who is trapped outside of the building in this music video, making me wonder if she's the one to lead them out of the 'labyrinth', per se. actually, why are there two years?? it seems that there's the yerin that is sleeping in the garden, and the year that is playing with Cunha. I think the year in the garden signifies that she gets another choice. the butterflies lead her to the center, to the problem. she's locked out likely because she did not eat the apple and give into temptation. I wonder if she'll get the chance to use the butterflies? it certainly suggests so maybe she will lead them back to the exit of the labyrinth? oh, and an important distinction to be made: a labyrinth and a maze are not the same things. a labyrinth is usually a circle shape, and it only has one entrance and exit. unlike a maze, where there is usually one entrance and one exit, or sometimes multiple exits.

in terms of the map of the soul, you went into the labyrinth in order to explore and find yourself. to do the circle and come out with a better understanding of who you are. right now, Gfriend seems to be at the center, but what are they doing there again? as I mentioned before, it seems like the girls are performing some kind of spell or ritual as we near the end of the music video. it sort of feels like a spell they've been working on to craft that has come to its the conclusion. their clothing changes from their 'white witch to the 'black witch', as do their intentions. as they transition from white to black they burn the tree, their magic manifests their horns... it's hard to say if this is some sort of devil or demon horns, or if it's related to the spell, or the butterflies but it does feel intentional like they're aware that it was going to happen. in fact, even look at the choreography here: it seems like the girls above are casting a spell, while the girls below are signifying horns of some sort. like they're casting a spell to create these horns. and some legends say your soul is kept in your hair and they're cutting their hair. they're dancing and kissing and when Cunha releases the butterflies, it feels like completion.

there's even a moment that they're semi-transparent the stairs as if they're giving away part of themselves to complete this spell and somehow embrace the shadow. the lyrics suggest that this takes place towards the witching hour, which historically happens either around midnight or 3 am on varying accounts. it's said to be the time where the veil between other worlds is the thinnest. 'in the sweet darkness, the witching hour descends' maybe it's some sort of contract - like selling your soul to the devil? or perhaps to the moon, or the star. after all, they seem to know about a singing star... I mentioned before that the apple, which tempts you by singing, has siren-like qualities, but what if it's meant to show you the star? if you read the lyrics of their song, 'labyrinth', from the previous album it seems to tell us the story of apple from a different point of view. in fact, the song feels like the lyrics are fighting each other, a disagreement that's happening. 'a sweet whisper from afar, come here - go away' likewise, it also warns of something. 'lost in the maze, don't be fooled by the shining fake' remember at the beginning of the butterfly effect video - they followed the blue light. is that related to the star? the butterflies?the apple? does it lead them down the wrong path? is it the shining fake? by the way, the idea of bright shining light is seen in its' notes as well, so I wonder if this might connect to that somehow. notably in txt's eternally it warns that going up the stairs is bad and explicitly states "do not go up the stairs". 

this might apply here as well, as this action could be a mistake, however, it might also lead into Gfriend's song 'stairs in the north' 'walked restlessly looking forward, and at the end of these stairs a spotlight of the sunlight that has been waiting for me' it talks about the success that you reach when you're at the top of the stairs, and it implies that there's a lot of envy on your way up. and of course, once they reach the top, it turns tonight. there is a fear as they begin to descend, but it is at that moment when the sun begins to rise as they're going down the stairs, that they see the beauty that is surrounding them. this is described as being the 'secret' that they discovered on the north stairs. so while the road to this point in the story was a difficult one, filled with the backs that they envy, it will be on the climb down the stairs that they will come to appreciate one another. maybe they have to make this mistake to see and appreciate each other. and watch as the sun, the true shining star, finally rises to illuminate the beauty around them. 

so, the leader who leads them down a dark path of black magic? or what about using? do you and her strong ties to mirrors and reference to another butterfly in the fingertip music video mean that there are more paths that they can take? what about the darkness we see in umji at the end of crossroads and the concept photos? is Cunha gonna be alright?? will yerin ultimately find a way to lead them out? will they finally see the beauty that is their friendship? thank you guys so much for reading...! 

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