Wednesday, August 12, 2020

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Thank You

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Overcome From Your Failure Speech By:Jack Ma

 I did I have a rich father guy tried of

Jack Ma

three times for University all filled I

apply for however for ten times all

filled they'd only want to see me for

the last time I went to the Teachers

College which was considered the third

or four class in my city to apply for jobs

for 30 times

got rejected it was so difficult at that

the time I was so frustrated because I

taught in the university my pay was ten

dollars a month because I could not find

a good job in 1994 disgust said I'm

going to do something called internet

and 23 of them against it.

I said this is

the stupid idea we have never heard about

internet and you know nothing about

computer and I never thought I was smart

nobody believed that I could be

successful because everybody said well

this guy think differently thinker crazy

you know they think about something

never work I try to borrow

three thousand US daughters from the

banks took me three months but I still

cannot get it

we talked to over 30 or 40 venture

capitalists everybody's in though forget


a lot of people said Alibaba is a

terrible model as I said I believe it. I

think this thing could be big if we keep

on working I never thought you will be

bad big like today but I believe that

something something is waiting for me

there and I have to work hard to prove

myself that was the tough experience so

we gather 50 falda us daughters from 18

fighters we're started for the first

three years we do not have the even one

dollar revenue from our business what's

not easy

you don't make any money you've got

extraordinary claims and yet you make

nothing that's internet yes but what's

the point

are you a millionaire now no do you want

to be well I hope but why it keeps a

going ahead going forward because I

received lots of emails of thanks from

the customer they say this is such 

a great thing we cannot obtain you but

this thing helped us if you keep on

helping us one day you will be

successful and I believe this little by

later we build up our business little by

little we'll build-up our ecosystem of

the infrastructure and now after 16

years we have an Alibaba The group we have a

team or group, we have a tarball group

well Felipe and people said you are so

smart how could you make a company like



Bill Gates Warren Buffet the Jack Welch

Larry Page Mark Zuckerberg the

difference between those people and

other people are always optimistic

for the future they never complain they

always tried to solve the problems of

the others when you're optimistic it's

always opportunity people same here

today Jeff where is the opportunity I

don't have a job I don't have this I

don't have a debt the best assets you

have is that you are young don't


let the other people complain the

opportunity always lies where people

complain think about how you can make

things different and then when you think

about this study do it. I saw a lot of

people young people have fantastic ideas

every evening but in the morning they go

to the office same again if you really

want to be interpreting you have to do

the things before the other people do

you have to wake up before the other

people wake up you have to be braver

then the others when I was young I went

to Hangzhou Westlake there's a hotel

many foreign visitors visit there and I

went there every morning five o'clock to

practice my English the foreign visitors

come I'd practice my English I don't

know why at that time but I found


the foreign visitors told me are so

different from the things my parents

told me my teacher told me and the

newspaper read so since then I think

everything used my own brain use your

own brain to think to everybody to any

person tomorrow is a new make the move

make the action whether investors

believe it is or not whether your

friends believe it or not what their

parents believe it or not that's not

important you believe it your team

believe it and work day and night on

this makes enough mistakes you fall you

stand up if you really want to work with

yourself think about the others because

only when the other people successful

when the other people are happy you'll

be successful you will be happy don't

worry about the money money follows the

people people should follow the dreams

if you have a dream just a go ahead

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Sadhguru Speech on:How Do You Tell A Girl You Love Her?

Love does all these things to you. You are having a great love affair, just enjoy it. You may think I am a hero but well the girl, she has her opinions. Your nose can be like this, it doesn’t matter. A joyful face is always a beautiful face.   Moderator (Abhijeet): Okay, Sadhguru Ji, this is very common in my college and it is true about me and also my friends. So I am in love with a girl and... Sadhguru: Ah! (Laughter) Moderator (Abhijeet): And what happens is that I don’t have the courage to talk to her and this is like self-doubt that I have. I think that I don’t deserve her. So what to do in this regard? (Laughs/Laughter) Sadhguru: You are in love with a girl or you’ve fallen in love with a girl? Moderator (Abhijeet): Actually, I’ve fallen in love. Sadhguru: Ok. This happened, before he became a drunk, he was at the Shillong University, Shankaran Pillai(Laughter). And he was doing his Ph.D. So one day, he went to his mentor professor and said, “Sir, I need your help on something very important.” So the professor said, “Yes, that’s why I am here, please tell me.” 
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Then he named the college beauty and he said, “Sir, I am completely in love with her, I need your help on this.” “What do you mean, you need my help? I am not here to help you with those kinds of matters, I am here for academic purposes.” He said, “No sir, I am really fifty percent successful. You just need to help me with the other fifty percent.”He asked, “What is fifty percent success anyway?” He said, “I am completely in love with her and she doesn't know, the other fifty percent you must help me.” So, just enjoy the love affair because now it's totally in your control. If you also bring her into the picture, now she will take charge of it (Laughter and Applauds). And, I am not saying you should not fall in love with somebody, but don’t be in a rush to live. At this stage in your life, see how to build yourself up into a worthwhile life, then things will come to you in a certain way. If you rush into life too early, then, you know, other aspects of growth will get stunted. Because you got emotionally entangled, now immediately the girl says, “I am going to come with you tomorrow morning.” 

Then immediately, you have to find some job, you have not completed your engineering, you will find one auto-rickshaw to drive. Arey, all these things will happen. Love does all these things to you. So you are having a great love affair, just enjoy it, don’t tell her (Laughter and Applauds). Moderator (Ria): Sadhguru, I think he also kind of wanted to know about self-doubt that he has, although the context was that, that he's primarily asking about self-doubt. Sadhguru: See this is not self-doubt, the doubt is about her. How she will respond, that is the doubt. Somewhere when it comes to yourself, the question of whether I am good enough for something, not good enough for something, you should not worry about that. You must just see every day how you can be a better human being than the way you are right now. And then the world, the way it responds, tells you whether you are good enough or not. It’s not for you to think. See this is why there’s an examination at the end of the year. Why? Because you may think you are a great engineer, but the examination results tell you poo. 

So this also is like that, you may think I am a hero but well the girl, she has her opinions. So instead of that, see how to make yourself better, in how many ways, not just the way you look. Because your looks will be ignored after some time. You have to make yourself better. How to make yourself better? At least you are trying to make yourself into a good engineer, that’s a good idea. Another thing is well, just see better means what? What is it one thing that always draws people? What is it that one thing that makes a person look wonderful is, it is not the shape of your nose or the point of your chin or your hairstyle or something, a joyful face is always a beautiful face, isn't it so? Your nose can be like this, it doesn’t matter. A joyful face is always a beautiful face. Do that one thing, maybe she will fall in love with you (Laughter). Just rise and shine. If you rise and shine, everybody will look in that direction, isn't it? Learn to sing, hmm. Sing a song. We can train you if you want. Just one song that may make her fall in love. 

Sadhguru Speech on:The Right Age To Have A Boyfriend or Girlfriend?

See, if two bodies are rubbing, only skin is touching, all right? I hold that kind of relationship with people, where my life energies reverberate with their life energy. Those plants which bear fruit too early will never become full-fledged trees. “What is the right age to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend ?” Sadhguru: Rahul is… wants a boyfriend? It's legal. So I think every child has boyfriends and girlfriends. Yes? When you are three, four, five years of age, didn't you have boyfriends and girlfriends? You had. Now you're giving it a new meaning to this simple friend. Well, a friend need not necessarily mean you have to get physical with them. Hello? This is something that you have picked up from certain societies where the body is everything. See why is it so that today it has become like this? This was only in United States., but today it's everywhere. If you say a relationship, people think it's a body-based relationship. 
Cauvery, a karmic connection for Sadhguru -

Well, don't I have a relationship with you right now? Don't you have a relationship with your parents, your friends, your teachers? You don't have a relationship? Hello? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: Yes. But you cannot say… if you say I have a relationship with my teacher, they will think, oh, you have… doing some hanky-panky with your teacher. Why have you become like this? See, the problem is just this. Your intelligence has been hijacked by your hormones. If I say “you are my friend” that means I must mess with your body. Is that a necessity? Hello? Can’t we be? Okay, you are a girl, if you're my friend but I can't say you're my “girlfriend,” because it will be understood in a different way. Why this has happened is, we are giving too much significance to body-based relationships. 

You must understand there are relationships deeper than the body. You can hold such profound relationships with people without your body being involved in it. Isn't it so? Possible or no? Well, the body-based relationship may be necessary with somebody that is fine. That's your choice. But that is only possible in a limited way. But friendship and relationships are possible at various levels with an enormous number of people. Possible or no? You can hold intimate relationships with thousands of people. I have a very intimate relationship… I… the way I'm sitting here right now, I assume a certain intimacy with you. But if I have used the word “intimacy,” people think two bodies should be rubbing. See, if two bodies are rubbing, only skin is touching, all right? Skin is the outermost cover of who you are. How can that be intimate? I don’t consider that intimate. I can penetrate people, not just their minds and their emotion, their very innards, their very life process, I hold that kind of relationship with people, where my life energies reverberate with their life energy. That is intimate. That's really intimate. Body rubbing, okay, it's maybe a necessity at a certain stage of one's life. It's okay. We are not trying to make it right or wrong. It's one’s choice. But don't make that the basis of friendship. 

Why can't you befriend with every girl and every boy around you? Hello? So essentially you're asking at what age should I go into sexually-oriented relationships? Is that what you ask? But I think it will be… you'll be doing a great service to yourself and to the world if you remove this boyfriend, girlfriend business, and call it something else. Call them your what…romance or your love affair or whatever. Because friend, the word “friend” must be released from the body. It's very important. Otherwise, friendships won't happen. Everybody will be like this. Because if I say “you're my friend,” she's afraid, unnecessarily, isn’t it? If I say “She is my friend,” she will fear “What is he up to? How is he, my friend?” Release the word “friend” from the body, it's very important. Let friendships happen all over. Well, body-based relationships happen with another individual, that's different. That's your choice. At what age? See when you're in… education. If you don't take charge of these instruments at this stage in your life, believe me, your own body, your own mind will trip you in so many ways, right through your life. You won’t ride them, they will ride you. That should not happen. At this stage in your life, let the focus fundamentally be on how to grow yourself to the best possible place within yourself. Don't be in a hurry to live. 

The living will happen a little later. If you live too early, tch, you will not live too well. Don't try to live too early. I am not a moralistic person to tell you “do this, don't do this.” If somebody has such a compulsive need, they can do it. But everybody needs not to make it a trend that if you're in college, you must have a sexually oriented relationship with somebody. There is no compulsion like that. There is no such rule that it must be so. One can grow. There's a… I've spoken this before. But I must tell you this, among the mango farmers, there is a practice. If you… across India, this is well known. If you plant a mango sapling, within twelve-fourteen months flowering will happen when the season comes. A mango farmer meticulously removes every flower from the plant because if you let it go, it will bear fruit. One or two fruits will come out of this little plant. Only those which are not allowed to fruit up to three to four years will become full-blown trees and bear a lot of fruit. Those plants which bear fruit too early will never become full-fledged trees. So a mango farmer has this wisdom. He keeps on nipping off every flower. Similarly, human beings should not be in a rush to live. The important thing is before you try to live, you are in a place high enough so that life will roll out well for you. You live too early, then it could become an uphill task all your life and tomorrow… Many turmoils are happening. 

See if you go to Western universities… Right now, I was just at Ross business school just this week. I was at Ross business school, then at Harvard Business School, and if you look there, I don't know what's the percentages. But people tell me or if you just look around, you will see, most of the faces there areIndians, Chinese and like this. Only about forty percents are Caucasian race or American white though they are the majority population there. Why this is happening is… These Indian families and Chinese families, their children have a certain support system and they have to live with their parents till they're twenty-five or so, till they finish their university. But generally, the white families, by the time they're eighteen, they're out of their families, they’re all living with their partners, they’re going through emotional stuff, they have to make some money for that and the daily evening they have to take care of their partners. No time to go to the library, no time to study. All the toppers are Indians, Jewish communities, and Chinese. You just see across the universities in the United States. So what does this mean? A whole lot of Americans are not even finishing university, simply because they have a boyfriend and a girlfriend going and it will not always go smooth, things will happen daily turmoils, problems, you know? Every day these things are happening. Now, you need to understand that this is the time of your life when you're at the highest level of energy. 

At this stage in your life, if you create a certain focus and balance within yourself, this energy will translate into something fantastic. But at this stage in your life, if you do not bring focus and balance and you earn it, let's say when you're forty, forty-five, you will not have the same energy. This is something that you don't understand that they think this level of energy will be there all your life. No, no, no, it will pass. It is just a question of eight to twelve to fifteen years maximum. From the age of fourteen to thirty, there is a certain upsurge of energy. At this time if you learn how to manage this, keep a balance and focus on your life, you bring a focus to your life, this life will function and play at a higher level of life. If you don't bring those things and you're in a hurry to live, then you will see it becomes an uphill task not that you won't make it at all, you may make it but unnecessary struggles through life. So it's an individual choice. If somebody has such a strong compulsion, they may go for it. Don't make it a trend that if you're in a college, you must have a body-based relationship. Not necessary. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How to activate your AdSense account ...2022....?

Top 20 AdSense Plugins for WordPress 2020 - Colorlib

Hi, Friends

Welcome to omtalks website.

And today, I will be taking you through the Google AdSense

account activation steps.

After you create your AdSense account,

you need to activate it.

Then you can start showing ads on your site and earn money.

We will cover three steps of account activation today--

completing your payment address details,

verifying your phone number, and connecting your site

to AdSense.

Let's start with completing your payment address details.

It's important that you enter this information correctly

so that you can get paid.

You'll need to choose an account type to start.

You can choose either an individual or a business

account type.

There's no difference in the services or payment

structure between those types.

Individual accounts are paid out to the payee name

of the account holder, whereas business accounts are paid out

to the company name.

It might not be possible to change your account

type once your account is activated,

so please be careful when making this selection.

Then you'll need to enter your name and address.

Enter your full name exactly as it appears

on your banking information.

This information is crucial for you

to receive your payments without any problems,

so make sure your name and your address is accurate.

Note that you must be able to receive mail at this address.

When your account spouse reaches the verification threshold,

we'll mail you a personal identification number.

You will then need to enter it in your AdSense account.

The second step is the phone verification.

It's not required in all countries.

But if it's required for you, you'll

see a card on your AdSense home page.

If you've previously verified a phone number for Google,

you will see your verified phone number listed

in the phone number field.

You can choose to use this phone number for AdSense

and skip the rest of the phone verification process.

If this isn't the case for you, you

can choose whether you'd like to receive the code

via a text or a voice call.

Please make sure to use the international format--

a plus sign followed by the country code, the area code,

and phone number.

The last step is to connect your site to AdSense.

It's as easy as copying the code from your AdSense account

and pasting it into the HTML of your site.

You need to paste it between the head and head text.

If you're using WordPress, we highly

recommend using the Sitekit plugin.

Sitekit can connect your WordPress site to your AdSense

account and place the AdSense code on all your pages for you,

so you can show ads automatically across your site.

If you created your site using a content management system,

you'll need to check if your CMS has AdSense built-in

or if it supports a plugin that can help you implement

your AdSense ad code.

If you need assistance with the plugin,

visit the official support forum of your service

or the developer of the plugin.

Please double check that the site

you used for AdSense and the URL you paste your AdSense ad code

are the same.

In case they aren't, you can change it here.

You can then click on the "I've pasted the code into my site"

and click Done.

If we can not detect the ad code on the site,

your account activation won't go through.

Please also be aware of the following tips

to make sure you don't encounter any problems with connecting

your site to AdSense.

One, make sure that your site complies with the AdSense

program policies.

Two, your site needs to have unique and original content,

and it should attract genuine user interest.

Three, if your site is under construction, doesn't load,

or if it's difficult to navigate,

we can't activate your account.

Four, your site needs to be reachable

so that we can review it.

Make sure your ads txt file is accessible for crawling.

We will then review your site to check

that it complies with the AdSense program policies.

The review usually takes a few days.

They will email you when your account is fully activated.

Then you can set up ads on your site and start earning money.

I hope this article helps you better

understand how to activate your AdSense account.

Billionaire Dan Pena Speech on :The secret to his success!

How To Become A Billionaire by Dan Peña

the same reason that the readers that

are watching this

unfortunately, it doesn't work unless you

want average

in America mary 2.4 kids with one and a

half dogs

and for some people that's that's all

that you know

 their biggest aspiration but I can

guarantee you will never achieve

anything greater than your highest


highest when Obama who i didn't think

much of as a president

but when Obama said when he was a 19

year-old kid I'm going to be the first

a black president in the united states

that was a big bodacious goal millions

of permutations had to occur

for him to become president but by god

he did it so I take my hat off to him

I take my hat off to him and you will

never exceed your highest and wildest


you just won't if you want a million

you'll make a million

not a million five if you want 10


100 million and uh you'll never exceed


and the uh and i see the kids

you know creating tens of millions

uh in less than a year and even though

my standard I don't think that's a lot

of money I really don't

but by their standards it's


it's absolutely life-changing I remember

the first day I made ten thousand

dollars I remember the the first day I made

a hundred thousand dollars I made

I remember the first date crystal clear

I made a million dollars I remember the

first day

the day I made 10 million dollars and i

remember like I brushed my teeth this


the first day I made 100 million and a


the 100 million I still get vibrations

on my thighs when i think about that day

but everybody said it wasn't possible

that's what the real money is going you

know if you want to make a

uh if you change a a billion lives that's

a formula to become a billionaire

and change the world

i've trained peter sage like that and

i've trained a whole bunch of other guys

to be more emotionally tough and

to look within okay and to practice


before you're successful one of the

stories and i know peter

remembers it before i had any money i

used to go to the rolls-royce dealers

and sit in the cars and

smell the leather touch the leather

okay and these days this is 40 years ago

i went to million dollar houses

and my wife and i would walk through the


and they'd say what are your parents

getting here kids no we are the buyers

okay and to get used to it and that's

the reason the castle is so effective

and the reason i stopped giving outside

seminars is that

the success rate is almost five times


going to the castle having a butler wait

on you

dressing thinking more of yourself

because self-esteem

is the key to high performance if we

feel good about ourselves

and we hang around with people the

average of the five people that we

we uh are mostly around is who we turn

out to be

uh lack of self-worth now they think

they have self-worth right

they think because they made a few bucks

but in actuality and when they measure

it against the other eight ten twelve

people sitting around the table

they realize or they start to question

hell maybe i was just lucky now all of


when you're only a one-trick guy or gal


was i lucky now i've done it so many

times i know i'm i wasn't lucky

i might have been lucky the first time

but i haven't been lucky the 15 20

45 i know that okay but maybe i was

lucky the first time

um and maybe that's why i get such a

great feeling of pulling the guys

uh against the uh across the goal line

but they all

have a it's like the first date you ever

went on do you remember

asking the girl yeah i think so okay


i was too i practiced in front of the

mirror uh i practiced in front of my mom

i practiced in front of my little dog

and i was still scared when i asked her

but my life changed when i went i was

pretty much a

haphazard kid got a lot of trouble got

arrested four or five times

thrown in jail because you

you know there's nothing wrong with

trying to build a high performance


another one of my great influencers is

toyota toyota

automobile he wrote a book called the

toyota way and he said

constant supervised stress

constant supervised actually i think he

used the word organized

stress what does that mean it means keep

people accountable

just like peter sage says right keep


what get measured gets accomplished and

i have signs and most of the business

i'm involved in

when you walk in the door there's a big

thing about as big as that painting


how much daily exercise okay how much

time on your affirmations

how much time on your goals how much


uh building a dream team

how much time on creating new contacts

that are

that are high performance people that

are outside the five

average of the five bums that you hung

around with before the seminar

and some of those people that aren't are

detrimental to you unfortunately your


because you know as a parent we all love

our kids and we try to do our best

but we're not trained to be a high

performance person we're just

unless you're a rockefeller unless

you're a kennedy

which is instilled in you for


parents don't have any clue the only

benchmark that we used

did he go to harvard did he go to

stanford did he go to oxford

but there's a lot more benchmarks peter

sage is a good example he didn't go


working class background my parents uh

went to uh uh just a mediocre university

that i flunked out of three times before

i finally graduated with honors but

uh and had no money to begin with 820

you know there was no money but 820 um

so it's all possible but i you know i

devoted myself

uh to feeling successful i was wearing

suits like this before i could afford


i only sleep two hours okay i work

364 days i only take one day off i think

it's rosh hashanah which is the highest

holy jewish day

okay if you multiply that times 24 years

since i got out of school he got out of

school early i think he went to uh

wharton if i remember correctly

okay okay i'm 88 years old

well when i did the numbers and we have

a chart about it and i've done it i've

published it on twitter i'm 131 years


in work years work years okay

i have 60 more years experience

than another guy almost 70 who worked

40 hours a week five days

and he took two weeks off only he took

two weeks off

okay i have but i've had this much more


than virtually everybody that i knew

i'm going to give make you make you give

me two lists one list

your goals intermediate short-term

long-term goals okay

both in personal and business then you

put another list together and this is a

good exercise for you

guys to do you put another list together

and you say

uh who you met with from

sunday midnight till saturday

midnight for one week who you talked to

or who you met with

okay and you put the list together okay

let's say there's 50 people on this list

or in your case maybe 100 i don't know

okay am i it's a short list

only the mentees basically five or six

people outside the mentees lawyers and


now you put a number by every

person that you

emailed skype tweet

link and which one of your goals on this


side of the paper that have anything to

do with

you will be staggered stunned

gobsmacked awestruck how much time

you're wasting with people that have

no no business being in your life to

attain your goals

correct okay hanging out with losers

wasting your time with people that mean

correct you okay show me your friends

and i'll show you your future a

snowflake is a kid

a guy or a gal mostly guys melt under


as opposed to what they tell me


melt under pressure

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